Steel Magnolias

ok so has anyone seen the movie steel magnolias with julia roberts in it?
if not its a must see for any diabetic.
it shows how even the healthiest looking person can loose control and eventually let diabetes control them.
for me it was a huge motivation to take better control of myself.

and i will repeat this once more
Steel Magnolias is a MUST SEE movie for any diabetic and exspecially one who is struggling with diabetes. it will show you how precious your life is and will push you to have a much better control than the woman in the movie

Sorry, but I didn’t like the movie, and I have seen it both before and after my diagnosis! For a lot of people, that is what they think all T1’s are like, as I have received many comments about the movie when people find out my diabetes. But hey, if it works for others, then that’s great. It’s just not in my netflix box:)

I don’t care either way about it. It was a movie and it was entertaining. I don’t think it’s a completely inaccurate portrayal of diabetes since there are people who have experiences like that, but it can be annoying that the general public bases their perception of T1 on that one character’s experience with it. Although, that’s less true now since it’s been a number of years since that movie was released. It seems the people who get most bent out of shape over it are T1 women who have or plan to have babies. Whether you like the movie and how diabetes is portrayed or not, and keeping in mind that Your Diabetes May Vary, generally speaking, the reality is that there are significantly higher risks with T1 pregnancies.

Hi Amber.
I’ve been searching stores EVERYWHERE for it. I really want to watch it.

Now that I read your post, I want to even more.
I’m going to find it soon (hopefully) and will let u knw how I liked it. ")