Submit a Personal Story to Beyond Type 2!

Hi Everyone!

We’re currently accepting ALL personal stories from those impacted by Type 2 Diabetes. If you live with it, have a loved one, work with patients, etc. who have Type 2 diabetes, please submit how your experiences with Type 2 have impacted your life and/or others’ live.

You can submit your story here: Share your story - Beyond Type 2

Also, we’re featuring only people who live with Type 2 diabetes in our #BeyondPowerful campaign on Instagram. We want to include as many voices as possible because all of our experiences with Type 2 are unique. Submit your story by clicking on the link below, also feel free to forward to anyone else you know who has T2D – #BeyondPowerful Instagram Campaign - Beyond Type 2

Let me know if you have any questions!

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Welcome to TuD, @TaraSBT2. Thanks for promoting the interests of people with T2D. It is definitely an under-served demographic within the diabetes online community. Since I am T1D, I will be following from the sidelines. Good luck! I encourage all T2Ds here to participate.


Thank you, Terry! If you know anyone who has T2D or has been impacted by T2D in some capacity, please forward the links above. We’re excited and eager to share the different experiences people have with Type 2!