Sugar or Carbs?


I just recently got the omnipod and so far it been great! Before i was just on shots and never paid attention to carbs or doing any kind of carb counting. Just making sure there was no sugar.

Anyways, when i was going through the training my CDE kept like mentioning scenarios that could happen. For example, he was saying say that my friend gave me a big chocolate chip cookie or maybe some ice cream… you would find the carbs and enter it.

So, my question is… Do i not really need to pay attention to the sugar now? Just the carbs? I doubt thats right, but im curious why he kept mentioning sugar loaded foods…


i only count carbs. so, even though a lot of people try to stay away from “sugar”… it’s carbs in general that you need to be aware of. so, if a friend were to give you icecream… look on the back of the icecream container. chances are, for 1/2 cup, it’ll be about 19 grams of carbs. however, it could be more depending on what type. so, basically. if you decided to eat 2 scoops (about 1/2 cup each scoop, so 1 cup)… put into the Omnipod PDM that you’re eating about 38-40 carbs.

sugar turns into carbs… if u look at food lables u will notice that under the word carbohydrates (carbs) the word sugar is indented and greyed out and usually either the same amount as the carbohydrates or a few grams less… this is bc sugar turns into carbohydrates…

or mabe its the other way around, idk all i know is basically they r bout the same… lol

On the food label your sugars will be a sub category under “Total Carbs”. They all turn into glucose so count total carbs.

I did not count carbs until I got on the pod as well. I could kick myself for not doing this while I was doing MDI.

Thanks everyone for all the replies!

Total carbs less fiber when it’s a high fiber food.

Sugar is a carb. Lots of things contain carbs. So with a pump you count your carbs, whether those carbs are Pez candy or pasta :slight_smile: