Survey for seniors living with T1 from Connected in Motion

Connected in Motion is working on collecting feedback from folks 55+ who are living with Type 1 diabetes about what gaps in the support and education system exist. We have got over 50 responses so far but almost all from people 50-60 years of age and are looking to push things out a little further.

Survey link: Platinum Virtual Slipstream Survey


@Mila perhaps that survey could be expanded to type 2 DMs on MDI. Looking at it I would be interested.

Thanks for the feedback, I’ll pass it along to the Connected in Motion group.

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Appears to be specifically for Canadians.

It is not, open to all, no preference geography-wise!


Done !!

Thank you, @Rphil2!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Mila , that survey was way to generic and nearly meaningless.