Survey on How Mentors Affect Type 1 Diabetics During Diagnosis

To whom it may concern:

Hello! My name is Gianni Figueroa, and I am a fellow Type 1 diabetic. I was diagnosed at the age of four, and being fifteen now, I’ve lived with it eleven years. The reason you are receiving this is that I am doing a research project on how having a mentor to guide you through diagnosis and initiation of self-management is beneficial. The reason I’m asking you to fill out this short survey is that the data I collect could benefit programs such as JDRF’s mentor program, by pinpointing the people that need a mentor most. If you decide to participate, you will be asked to provide: Age (parents of young diabetics can help them fill out the survey), age of diagnosis, gender, GPA estimate, any symptoms of depression, hemoglobin A1C estimate, and details about your experience related to having or not having a mentor. No personal information, such as name, address, or phone number will be requested, so your information will be confidential. This is a short survey, so it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes. There are no risks associated with this survey, so please consider taking a few moments out of your busy day to fill out this quick survey. Thank you for your time!
-Gianni Figueroa

Please submit surveys to my TuDiabetes inbox.

1188-Survey.docx (18.9 KB)

This survey has been approved by the TuDiabetes Administration

I was diagnosed long after I finished my education. I'd be happy to complete the survey, but I presume that I don't fall into your desired demographic?

I'm accepting any and all surveys. If you do decide to fill it out thank you!