Sweet stuff

Ok… Ive done it again… got this horrible craving for something sweet… so i went and bought sugar free chocolate and cheese doodles… i know i shouldnt have but i did!
I know that the sugar free chocolate still contains carbs and i know that the cheese doodles are full of them.
When I came home I ate half of the bar of chocolate (although I should have only had a couple of pieces… and about 5 handfulls of cheese doodles (although i should have only had half a handful) but I couldnt!! Cause it was SO tasty!
Before I could have a whole chocolate bar without any problems… And now I have to watch what I eat.
Its so annoying to constantly watch what you eat. You are basically on a diet all the time. Everyone in here seem so contented with the situation, isn’t anyone like me? Wanting to tell this boring disease to F off? Im scared to check my blood now cause Im sure it will be really high…!!

You take insulin… why don’t you eat just let yourself have a treat - not that SF sh** either (bleh!) - and bolus for it? You’re human. If you deprive yourself of things you really want, you’re going to end up overdoing it. Is there some reason you can’t just bolus for the carbs you eat?

Hi Dolores, Recently diagnosed here. I was the sweet eating king…not a piece of apple pie but half of it, not one doughnut but four, etc., etc., etc. Just recently learned that the sugar cravings became greater and more intense by having some sugar. Anyway… I have always loved sweets and Ice Cream. I cannot subscribe to the plan others have…just a small slice…or just a quarter of a cup of Ice Cream…Can’t do it. I have to stay away totally. I now eat sugar free jello with cool whip (zero carbs/calories). I have jello in the fridge ALL the time. I began wearing a leather bracelet (non medical) that was given to me as a friendship bracelet. I wear it because it reminds me that I am diabetic and that I cannot just grab food (like a half dozen chocholates out of the box now in the office kitchen, grrrrrr)…it serves as a reminder. I believe in mind over matter. It is hard, I know. Take it from the Snack food king…but you can do it. Find a substitute that works for you and direct your thinking towards health versus momentary sweet tooth satisfaction. Don’t mean to sound like a lecture because believe me I am a newbie at this whole thing as well. Good luck!

Dolores, Know right where you are at B/4 the pump and on injections observed and ignored it now I am taking an active part in controling my diabetes. It is best to go ahead and test and give your self a corection bolusIf your Dr. has not talked to you about that yet bring it up to him. Best of luck to you.

I agree with Lee Ann, Dolores. It’s not the 1970s. You can eat sugar. You just have to cover it with insulin. It’s just carbs and fat - not magic poison. You have to experiment to know what it does to you personally. Overall, yes, it needs to be part of a healthy diet - a healthy diet that all people, diabetic or not, should maintain. Over time, most type 1s decide that the swings you experience from daily sugar-binging bring with them side effects that aren’t ultimately worth it, but I would say that all of us enjoy a candy bar or a slice of birthday cake from time to time. Watching your intake is important - but deprivation is not part of it. Just awareness. If you don’t know how much you’re eating, you don’t know how much insulin to take. And if you don’t know that, you can’t have and reach a target blood sugar level.

Never be afraid to check your sugar after you’ve eaten something “bad.” That can lead you down a very destructive path (thinking of your other post about the person who never tests). Your blood sugar is NOT a judgment of you and your failure to follow your prescribed plan - it’s an honest indicator of where you are at a certain point in your day. And you need that information to judge how to respond.

You’ve got to have a healthy attitude about how you eat. Otherwise, it controls you. We need to think of our diets as helping us feel better and live longer - and if that means a candy bar from time to time, that’s part of it, too. Best of luck, Dolores.

hm… every person from my medical team tell me that i cant eat something sweet and then cover it with insulin. That i have to eat healthily at all times and IF i want somethin sweet that i have to have it after a meal and only take 2 units extra.
Ive also read that if you take more insulin than you should, that your body eventually gets resistent to the insulin and you need more insulin to get the same effect… is this true?

My doctor has never told me I can’t have something sweet if I want it. He just tells me to cover it with insulin and many times I have wanted to tell diabetes to f off.

Well, my impression is that maybe your doctor is either being conservative with his advice about all this because you’re relatively new to it or he’s giving you out-dated advice. I don’t know, but unless there’s some other mitigating circumstances, I don’t really see why you shouldn’t be able to manage this and have the occasional treats like the rest of us. Most of us on insulin go by an insulin-to-carb ratio, and dose based on how many carbs we’re eating. That doesn’t mean go crazy and eat 10 candy bars, but that shouldn’t mean never either. Maybe ask your doctor, get a second opinion, meet with a diabetes educator or a dietitian, and tell them you’d like to work with a more flexible management regimen that includes an insulin-to-carb ratio so you can dose based on carbs.

Everyone is different, but if I were in your position (as much as I can tell about it from what you’ve said anyway), I’d be telling them I want a more updated regimen, and if they weren’t working with me on that, I’d go find health care provider who would - that’s just me though :slight_smile:

I don’t know much about insulin resistance. I’ve been on insulin for 30 years, and have never had an issue with it. I eat a healthy diet overall, but I probably have a treat - a candy bar, some ice cream, some cookies - several times a week. I think it’s erroneous to think those things can’t be part of a healthy diet if eaten in moderation and balanced with lots of more nutritious foods.

I use a nutritional scale to make sure I’m eating a serving size as listed on food packaging. Like if I were eating those cheese doodles, I would’ve poured out however many grams onto a paper towel to have a serving or two. Eating handfuls of stuff or eating out of containers is bad news for me so I don’t do it.

I am with you Debb. I have spent the greatest portion of my life on a 1000 calorie diet and still gained weight. Right after I had my second child I developed this really bad thyroid problem and spent the next 30 years begging the doctors to treat it. I was 21 at the time. None of them would treat it because they all said it might raise my blood pressure. So gradually over the years I just kept gaining weight. When I was very young I just loved candy and sweets, but after I became severly hypothyroid I never had the taste for it anymore. I have always exercised faithfully, went on to have five children, worked full time and went to shcool full time. All at the same time. The pounds never came off. I am a type 1.5 and do not blame my diabetes on my weight. I do love to cook, but have been very creative because i have two type 1 kids. My husband eats anything he wants and never gains weight either. Of course now that he is older, he is shrinking very badly. There is only one type 2 in our family. All the other diabetics in our family are type 1’s., except me of course. I have learned to cook a number of sugar free things, but also gluten free also for my youngest dauughter. My heart aches for all those who love sweets. I also miss bacon, sausage and ham because of the kidney problems i have lived with for so many years. I cook them for others and love the smell, but must not touch. I too wish there was some way of making things fair, but there is not. If someone can have a cookie or two every now and then, go for it. I had a piece of chocolate cake several months ago. It was nice, but not enough to make me do it again soon.

hi Dolores,

I agree that your Dr. is most likely either being very conservative or his treatment information is outdated. Once you determine your insulin to carbohydrate ratio it will allow you the flexibility to occasionally enjoy a piece of cake, candy bar, etc… While it’s not a good idea for anyone (diabetic or not!) to eat this in excess, it is nice that there is a way for people who take insulin to consume this on occasion and at the same time maintain good blood sugar levels