I know they say the omnipod and dexcom are waterproof. But has anyone ever gone swimming with them on? Are they truly waterproof. And for that matter has anyone gone to a waterpark with them on. Thoughts?
I have and they work fine… until they fall off. I suggest some sort of waterproof tape to cover them if you’re spending any amount of time in the water. I’ve gone for short swims (less than an hour) with no problem but every time I take my pod into a waterpark it ends up coming off by about 4PM. Bring extra tape and replacements in case you lose them (and be careful not to lose your Dex transmitter!). And have fun.
Caleb swims daily for extended periods. They are indeed very waterproof.
My daughter also swims daily. She has used it tubing as well off the back of a boat. It did fall off once but it deactivated itself and we just put a new one on. I don’t know about the DexCom but the Omni Pod is very waterproof.
I agree with everyone. Sam uses both and they are fine. We had one Dex sensor that at the end of a very wet week, didn’t work so well for a little - but then it kicked back in.
My daughter spends hours swimming with the OmniPod, and we haven’t had many problems. Sometimes, she puts extra tape on before swimming if she thinks there are areas that might come up. I’ve noticed the pods seem to stay on much better this year than last – not sure why that is, but we haven’t had a “floater” in the pool yet this year. Haven’t been to the beach yet this year, but last year she was in the Atlantic, body surfing for hours and the pod stayed on. I think we did put extra tape on for the ocean though.
I swim all the time with both attached- had issues with the omnipod falling off. Skin tac helped along with some of that foamy active medical tape. Have put the pdm and dexcom reciever in waterproof cases/ packs for mild kayaking. No issues there. Though I do have to say Pelican’s mini-cases are NO GOOD for waterproofing- they are only resistant. Had a friend lose a camera in one during a tubing outing. Make sure you test the pack in your sink with tp or a tissue in it before taking it out.
Great question and a host of great responses -
I also have done alot of sea swimming with my pod/sensor on, without any probs. The PDM and the dex Receiver need ot be kept away from the water, though.
I would be extra careful at the waterpark, though, with the turbulance, acitvity, etc. Have Fun!
I use both, and I spend a lot of time in our backyard pool (hours at a time) during the summer. Both the OmniPod and the Dexcom sensor/transmitter stay attached quite nicely.
swim laps, waterski, kiteboard, I do it all!
if you are headed to the waterpark, or are doing some more “extreme” watersports, I would reccomend a neoprene wet-top (like a wetsuit but very thin and just the shirt, can be short or long-sleeved) or a COBAN wrap…
have a great summer, and play hard!
in addition to all this, I love to entertain the other beachgoiers/swimmers with explanations of “what are those things?” Always looking for new, funny, answers!
oh yeah! I’m like a walking billboard!
Today I needed to give my fingerprint to the bank for some reason, and the lady made a crack about taking blood too… so I pulled out my lancet and asked "how much?"
She was shocked, and once I explained we had a good laugh about it!
Cool! Its’ great that you, Maia, can laugh about these things, always great to see another T1 with a GREAT sense of humour! Helps me cope, actually, laughing about it every day!
Steve, one of my favorite quotes is: “Sometimes the only sense you can make out of life is a sense of humor.”
Great quote! Who’s that from? Sounds like a Mark Twain type thing to say!
it always makes me feel better to see that I’m not the only one who simultaneously takes is seriously and has fun all the time too!
Love the quote from Serena too!
what case do you use?
Just lost a PDM to a faulty case… and want to make sure it doesn’t happen again!
Actually, I am embarrased to say I dont know the “make” of the case I use! My wife bought it at an office supply store…and it’s alot sturdier than the ones offfered by Dex or Insulet. I use the same case for both, and I have my test supplies in there as well. It was probably about $25 or so. It’s just the right size for all, and it fits nicely in my briefcase if I am gooing anywhere!
hear hear!