I’m new here and I’ve been looking around the site a bunch lately. I read some of the surfing-related posts from 2010 and 2011, but I still have some questions. I’ve been T1 since I was 29 (I’m 42 now) and I’ve been on multiple daily injections since then. However, I just received the Omnipod and Dexcom and I’m headed to the Dr. office for training on these next week.
In the meantime, I’d like to pick the brains of the water women and men to find out what works best for you while surfing or engaging in other water-related activities. I’m sure many of you have gone thru a lot of trial and error and I’d like to learn from you.
It seems that a lot of the suggestions from previous surfing posts focus on how to deal with the Omni and Dexcom while wearing a wetsuit, but thankfully the water is 70-85 here from spring to fall and doesn’t require wearing a wetsuit. Think bikini. When a wetsuit is required, then we like to go on surf trips to somewhere warm :) So here are some questions off the top of my head focused on surfing with the Omnipod and Dexcom in warm water:
1) Where on your body do you generally wear the Omnipod and/or Dexcom while surfing?
2) How do you hold it on - do you use additional tape or wrap or some other type of accessory?
3) How long do you typically surf at a time before going in to check your blood sugar/Dexcom?
4) It’s pretty darn hot here during the spring/summer, so I’m wondering how to keep my PDM and receiver cool in the car while surfing? Leaving it on the beach is not an option because of theft this time of year. My car gets really toasty in the summer sun, so I need something that can withstand at least 4 hours in the car and protect these electronics.
5) Have you ever had an infection at Omni or Dexcom site that you can attribute to being in the ocean?
6) By what % do you typically reduce your basal rate while surfing for an extended period?
7) Finally, I got yanked out of the security line while leaving Guatemala last fall. I had a very small toenail clipper in my carry on bag, and they opened it and broke off the middle part of the clipper that swings out and said never to carry these again. They said nothing about all my needles and other equipment, but I’m still a bit wary now of leaving foreign countries with all this new pump/CGM equipment. Any advice on traveling with this equipment?
Thanks in advance for your response! ☺