I know they say the omnipod and dexcom are waterproof. But has anyone ever gone swimming with them on? Are they truly waterproof. And for that matter has anyone gone to a waterpark with them on. Thoughts?
Or do people not chance it and use shots on those days?
I personally wouldnt chance it. Just the thought of multiple thousands of dollars in medical equipment going up in smoke mekes me cringe. That even goes for the waterproof pumps like the Ping. If you do take it (pump or CGMS) to the park i would leave it in your bag and just catch up your bolus every hour as needed. That way you dont risk it.
Lot’s more info on this in the Omnipod and Dexcom groups.
i took two kids i was babysitting to the pool about a week ago, and i have both the oPod and dex, the pod itself and the transmitter/sensor part of the dex became very soggy and itchy. ( i didn’t bring the PDM or the receiver in the water… they’re not waterproof) i’m guessing the chlorine and pool water in general caused the rash that i found beneath both the sensor and the pod. you sure can try it tho.
Did the chlorine cause the sensor or site to detatch? Just curious…?
I orig. began w/disetronic pump which was supposed to be waterproof…then they changed their mind…I 'd be cautious!
I orig. began w/disetronic pump which was supposed to be waterproof…then they changed their mind…I 'd be cautious!
nope. both were more than fine. just itchier than all get out!
If you want to have it with you you can get a water proof (called a dry bag) at places like Cabela’s or REI and just place all your electronics in one. I ordered a guaranteed 100% waterproof bag from aquapac made for things like cell phones and I’m going to try and take the receiver with me snorkeling. I plan on testing it first. I figure if it leaks they’re insurance can replace it.
i have been swimming all summer with the omnipod and have not had any problems (: i did go to a water park, and went down a water slide - the pressure of all the water knocked the pod loose but if i went again i would just ace bandage it (on my arm) or tape it down and i don’t think it would be an issue!
Yes, they are waterproof. The dexcom transmitter is watertight, and if you get water between the transmitter and sensor, it will eventually dry out and be fine (you’ll see ??? when water gets in between the two). The pod is watertight, unless you’ve cracked it which I highly doubt you could do since it’s on your body. The only issue will be whether or not the adhesive holds. I find that the adhesive comes up around the edges easier when I’ve been in the water.
As for water parks, just be sure you don’t lose the Dex transmitter to adhesive coming off.