Switching from Omnipod to a t-slim?

Hey all, just wanted to see if anyone had switched from the Omnipod to a t-slim or something similar. I feel limited as to where I can place my pods and am wondering if a tubed pump will help with that situation.

I have never used an omnipod, but I am not certain it will improve with a different pump. I place my medtroic pump on my abdomen right-left, back right left I run it in rotation, four sites three days each. I have found this most efficent.

I’m just curious as to why you feel like your options for placement of your Pods is limited. My daughter has only used the OmniPod system, so I can’t comment on any experiences with a tubed pump, but my understanding is that anywhere there’s an adequate subcutaneous layer of fat is an option. Yes, my daughter has inferior absorption with leg sites, but everyfattywhere else is suitable territory. We do avoid placing Pods of her arms because those are reserved for Dexcom sensors (she gets scary-accurate readings from arm sites).

I’ve thought about this as well. I use the Omnipod, and the dexcom. I use my stomach, arms and upper buttox/lower back exclusively. However, I seem to get consistency only on my stomach. It’s like I don’t absorb in the other areas as well. The reason I feel it might benefit to try a different type of pump is because there are different infusion sets. Some people I’ve talked with say depending on which site they use, the infusion set type changes for consistent absorption.

If you’re switching to a tubed pump, I’d consider one with a selection of different infusion sets.

Best of luck!

I had to switch from omnipod (which I loved) to the T:Slim (which I now also love) due to insurance reasons. I found that one benefit of the T:Slim was that I had more options for site placement. While I technically could use my abdomen, higher areas of the lower back, and the top of my thighs for omnipod placement, those areas ended up being a no-go for me because they restricted clothing options. With the T:Slim, I’m now able to use those areas without being self conscious. If it weren’t for vanity, though, I wouldn’t see a difference in number of site options.

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I’ve never used Omnipod, but honestly I’d rather deal with a tube than some bulky pod. Call me vain, but I don’t want some bulging pod hanging off my arms or poking horribly through my clothes. I demo’d it and was like um NO. I can see the appeal of it though for young kids. But as an adult. the pod did not win me over. My tubed pumps I can shove it in my bra and nothing stands out or is bulky. I usually place my pump inside my bra in the middle of it and tuck all the tubing in. Pump stays nicely in place, and no weird lumps or bulges noted.

Hi Rose rose,

You made a good point I never really thought of with Ominpod and after demoing it, I just wasn’t won over, but that makes sense. You really are limited with Omnipod that you aren’'t with tubed pumps due to you can’t change infusion sets with it. What you get with the pod is what you get. I agree the ability to try and use different types of infusion sets really could improve ones absorption ability. I’ve always used 90 degree, 6 mm cannula’s, but there are a wide number of options i can use, not only different cannula lengths, but also degrees of insertion, steel cannula’s versus soft cannulas, etc. Good point.

Multiple reasons actually.

  1. As a t1d for over 15 years, only 5 of which I’ve been pumping and the remainder of that time was MDI where I was ONLY taught to inject in my stomach, I feel like some scar tissue is not only expected but normal.
  2. As a t1d who also has other autoimmune and hormonal issues, weight is a serious problem for me and while, yeah that would SEEM like I have more surface area to apply a pod…it doesn’t really work like that. Stomach sites are limited due to curves and a large scar from a site that got infected once. My thighs work well, but again, scar tissue? Sometimes, after applying a new pod, it’s almost a day and a half before I can get my sugar under control and that’s pretty unacceptable. I’ve yet to try my pods on my back or hips because a.) my hips are usually reserved for my dexcom and b.) I feel like if my pod was on my back somewhere I would have even less control of it, more chance of it ripping off since it wasn’t in my field of vision. I do use my arms occasionally but again, have another large scar on my left arm, so a good portion of it is out of order. I tend to knock my pods off more when they’re on my arms as well–apparently me and doorways don’t get along so well.

Right, Rose_rose. And the t-slim has multiple options for infusion sets.
I’ve never used my lower back/upper butt for my omnipod. Don’t you worry about knocking it off say…into the toilet???

Funny, I don’t feel like the pod is bulky at all. I tend to wear my clothes a bit looser though, so maybe that’s where we differ. I feel like a giant pager-looking device attached to me and a hose hanging off of me would grab more attention. But as they say YDMV.
There’s no room in my bra to stuff anything other than what belongs there! I might have to find some kind of clip to hook it on the middle part so it can rest on my stomach or something.
Do you use the t-slim? Or does the pump you use have different options for insertion, etc?

Also, if you put your omnipod on your back or upper butt, doesn’t it hurt when you sleep on it? I’m a back sleeper, so I feel like those site options would dig into me and possible break the skin and cause problems with the cannula.

Im switching to Tslim, and yes there are several different options for infusion sets with it.My current pump is a medtronic. With medtronic you have to use infusion sets that are proprietary for Medtronic, but yes they also make different types of infusion sets too.

I switched from the OmniPod to the t:Slim . . . for a very short while. The t:Slim is a good pump and I like the touchscreen display; I just hated dealing with the tubing. So, I switched back. (I"m actually using the t:Slim right now because I dropped my PDM into the dog dish! That thing just doesn’t work under water. Go figure!)

If I put the pod on my lower back, it does bother me. However, the upper butt doesn’t. I don’t have any trouble sleeping on my back with it there. I don’t have problems with consistency depending on the site like has been discussed here. I use my abdomen, thighs, upper buttock, and the back of my upper arm and just rotate them.

If you can handle the tubing, t:slim is very good.