Swollen ankles and feet


Very first time writing. I’m on vacation in Canada. My feet and ankles are very swollen(edema) by the end of the day with no pain. I have been walking a lot. I have what I think is a little back pain hopefully not kidney. I have some medical background,I’m a dental hygienist. I’m thinking of calling for some antibiotics just in case. I’m here for another week. I do not have any heart problems or high BP. My glucose numbers have been fine, I’m a type 1 on omni pod and dex4. Has anyone experienced this?

Hi Trisha,

Have you had a urinalysis with microalbumin/creatinine ratio checked lately, or a recent 24 hour urinalysis? Whether or not you think you have issues with your kidneys, either one of those tests are generally done fairly regularly if you are seeing your endo regularly.

Never a good thing!
Medical background or not, swollen ankles/feet is usually a sign to be concerned. Kidney, heart or circulation could be the cause along with all the other usual possibilities. Taking antibiotics "just because" is not a good idea either. We don't want to take antibiotics when we don't really need them for all kinds of reasons. In particular, they could add to the problem.

Check your blood pressure, drink lots of water, maybe different shoes and try to add some natural kidney cleanse options like marshmallow root or hydrangea root tea. I would suggest another blood test and urine test from the doctor but if on vacation, might be a little difficult. I would not dismiss the issue though and the sooner you can verify, the better.

I get ankle and feet swelling for "no reason" according to my medical team. I have had my kidneys and heart thoroughly checked out and some other tests that checked other things, and everything is fine. My GP and endocrinologist finally just said that some people just have this problem. For me it happens more if I walk along (or sit around a lot) or it's really hot weather.

I'm personally not convinced that it's just nothing, but all the tests say it's nothing serious, at least. For me it started pretty abruptly during 2007. My aunt had similar problems and now she has rheumatoid arthritis (and I also have arthritis in my feet), so that makes me wonder. And I have problems with cardiac arrhythmias that makes me wonder about my heart. I'm hoping some day it just goes away as suddenly as it came.

I would definitely go to the doctor to get it thoroughly checked out sooner rather than later. Hopefully it is nothing serious!

I get this also from time to time. People who work on their feet for extended periods of times like doctors, nurses, dental assistants, ect. Over the years the valves in your lower extremities become affected and you can pool fluid in that area. My kidneys are normal as well as my heart. I found what prevents it is wearing compression socks when I know I am going to be on my feet for an extended period time. I would however make your physician aware and do a 24 hour urine and a 2d echocardiogram. Good luck and keep us posted.

Here's my story. Maybe some of these things are worth looking into. For a good year, I've had persistent problems with edema in both legs and feet (the left in particular). My then-internist ordered an EKG and stress test, which showed no cardiac-related causes, as well as a venous doppler. Also, a pelvic ultrasound ordered by an OB-GYN turned up no evidence of a mass putting pressure on veins.

I finally self-referred to an endocrinologist and discovered that I have stage 3 chronic kidney disease. (Indicators apparently didn't show up on earlier kidney ultrasounds.) The edema, in my case, is due to nephrotic syndrome.

I'm now on stronger diuretics and a more tightly controlled diabetes management plan, so the swelling should lessen over time. Elevating your feet, getting regular exercise, and asking your doctor about compression hosiery (even just the ones available in the drug store) could also help.

I get slightly swollen feet and ankles if I have a more sodium filled diet a lot, like when on vacation and eating a lot of restaurant (or southern cooked )food, particularly in hot weather, and when I am on my feet a lot. Had them really puffy, years ago,as a result of epidural corticosteroid injections in my spine for back pain. I wore compression socks for that and as the steroids wore off, my feet returned to normal size. Any steroid injections/orals taken prior to this trip?/? If I get the slight puffies, I will take 1/2tablet of the hydrochlorothyrizide(HCT) and try to cut back on salty dishes, and raise my legs up when sitting or in bed. No heart, vascular, nor kidney problems have been detected.

God bless,

Thanks for all who answered. I went to my M.D. he ordered a Doppler for both legs and blood work. I recently had a creatine/microalbium done, but will ask my endo for another one when I see him. My M.D. Also had me make an appt. with a cardiologist. The swelling has pretty much disappeared, but my calves ache a little. I will let all of you know how things turn out.

On another note. I will be trying my new smaller omni pods soon,as I think I only have 3 old ones left. Hope I like them

When you can put your feet up. Not sure how long you have been a t1 but please have your kidney function checked out, your symptoms make me worry your kidney is stressed . Get a good nephrologist ( kidney doc) and see what they think.

Hope the swollen legs and feet did not stop your fun on your vacation.