I am still on 1,000 mgs of metformin and exercising. Sometimes, after I exercise, I get symptoms of a low blood sugar with shaking and feeing week but my blood sugar is about 115. Other times, when I haven’t exercised, I will check it and its 100 and I feel fine. I am guessing that sometimes I am symptomatic because it is falling rapidly. Does this ever happen to anyone else?
My last A1c was 8 but I am sure it’s in the 7’s now.
If your A1C is even in the 7’S, your average BG (Blood Glucose) is averaging between 170 and 200 so anything in the 100 - 115 range will most likely make you feel shaking and weak. If you are just sitting around, you may not feel it or feel it as bad but even light activity can make you feel that way. So what you are experiencing appears normal.
This is definitely possible. It’s also likely that you’re psychologically perceiving hypoglycemia since exercise usually lowers blood sugar. However I’m not aware of Metformin causing hypoglycemia, but I’m not well studied on it. Typically, exercise + exogenous insulin is a major cause of hypoglycemia. I’d suggest just keeping a close eye on your blood sugars before, during, and for several hours after exercising.
One last note. It’s also likely that if you’re blood sugars are running consistently high, blood sugars in the normal range (70-120) will certainly cause you hypoglycemic symptoms
Just a note. If you are a ardent exerciser it is possible that being on metformin can force you bg lower. Because your liver is not kicking in.
From experience. It may not have anything to do with you, but it is lesser known side affect of metformin.
Yes, I get symptoms of low BG when it is dropping rapidly, even if its not low. I commonly get this after delivering correction insulin. Its the rapid rate of decline. I may get shaky and a little off balance, but almost certainly get lightheaded and hungry. I tend to get much more symptomatic from rapid changes in BG than from low BG itself.
I frequently feel terrible or like I’m having a hypo moment when my blood sugar is 80. I think it’s the rapid rise or fall that feels worst. I’m no longer committed to what any doctor says I should feel like at certain blood sugar levels. I either feel good or I don’t. Everyone’s body is different and medicine is a ‘best guess’ art in many situations.
I think you will find how you feel has nothing to do with a specific BG (Blood Glucose) value but has everything to do with the difference between your current BG and your average BG. If your average BG is 85, then you will most likely feel perfectly normal at a BG in the 50-55 range. If your average BG, however, normally runs about 200, then you will most likely feel hypoglycemic in the 135-150 range.
That is why since we are all at different BG levels and accustomed to our levels, we have different experiences at different BG values.
I’m guessing you have lupus. I’ve been on plaquenil for 22 years and it’s never contributed to a rapid change in BG (I’m T1, not T2).
I think that like @CJ114 suggested, your bodies metabolism has become normalized to higher mean blood sugars, hence anything out of the normal low-end range brings on hypo symptoms. I’d suggest toughing it out (not while driving or operating machinery) and adjusting your metabolism to a new BG set point.