Take our new survey on hypoglycemia!

Today we added a second survey to TuAnalyze, on hypoglycemia.You can take the survey here. While hypoglycemia is a major problem for many persons with diabetes, it remains under-studied, and we developed this survey in hopes of expanding our knowledge of the phenomenon, and how it affects the TuDiabetes community.

The survey covers your history/experience with hypoglycemia, how you prevent and avoid it, and how it affects your daily life. It is applicable to persons with all diabetes types, not just Type 1 or insulin-dependent.

The goal of TuAnalyze is not just to contribute to public health research, but also to provide feedback to the TuDiabetes community. Once you’ve taken the survey, let us know-- what results from it are YOU interested in seeing? What do you want to know about hypoglycemia in the TuDiabetes community?

After taking the hypoglycemia survey, make sure to check that your TuAnalyze A1c is up to date and that you have completed the Demographics and Care survey. The quality of our research and feedback depends on having a full and accurate set of responses for every participant!

Thank you for participating and for your support of this project! Follow this link to take the Hypoglycemia Survey.

When I clicked the “here” part, it said I already did the survey and I could click to review - that was the original one & not a new one about hypogycemia. I only had about 3 hours sleep last night, so maybe I am missing something!

Sorry about that Kelly-- it’s not you! We are having sone technical issues and not everyone is able see the new hypoglycemia survey. I will let you know when it is up and runnin smoothly…

Thanks! I was thinking I should make some coffee.

I would like to see all the aggregated data displayed in an easy to read visual, such as bar graph. I would like to see it broken down by type of diabetes. I would like to also have some of the data analyzed and presented. Such as, does the number of years of diabetes impact the frequency or severity of hypos? Do those who take measures to prevent hypos have less?

I would like to see the blood glucose levels listed in mmols as well as the American versions. I chose the UK option and we measure in mmols.

Also there was a problem, a box came up saying choose an option - but there did not appear to be an option!

Kelly (and everyone else)-- the survey is up and should be available to everyone! Let us know if it isn’t working properly.

Brenda-- thanks for the suggestions! We are interested in some of the very same questions with this survey data. Once a sufficient number of users have taken the survey, we will be reporting back some of the frequencies for questions, as well as looking at associations between hypoglycemia and behavior and diabetes history.

Latvianchick-- Thank you for noting this-- in future surveys we will list glucose values in both mg/dl and mmol/l. Do you have specifics on where you had this problem within the survey?

I completed the survery and I thought I would throw a couple comments here. One section did have a N/A answer but another section didn’t. I don’t drive anymore because of neuropathy but there was a question about how much low BS affected driving - it doesn’t for me since I don’t drive but N/A wasn’t a choice. The same for the sex question - I am not in a relationship nor have been for the 12 months so that was another N/A.

I also have gastroparesis which causes some of the problems I have. When I started having thryoid problems, that also really added to my problems. I know some people take medicine that masks hypos. It would have been nice to have had a place to put known causes when you have issues like that.

Excellent points, thanks.

So I’m not the only one having trouble? I can’t get beyond page 2

Hi Doris, can you tell us what exactly went wrong? Did you hit the “next” button on page 2 and nothing happened? Did you get any error message? And what internet browser are you using?

Thanks for your help and patience as we work this out!

I agree with Kelly. I would have filled in N/A for the driving question. There are other reasons to not drive – mine is that I don’t have a car :slight_smile:

Thanks, great thoughts about how to make the survey better next time. Let us know whether any of the questions or topics are of particular interest or value.

I didn’t get the “next button” on page 2. It just said at the top to keep & save it. Apperantly I didn’t regester in 35 somewhere on it b/c that kept poping up but most of my lows run much lower than that.

I’m using oh crap can’t think of it but it’s the one that isn’t firefox.

Doris-- I think you are getting an error because of the last question on the page, “In the last two weeks, how many times have you gone low?”. That question needs a response that’s a whole number (0, 1, 2, 15, etc.). If you skip the question or if you put an answer that doesn’t fit that restriction (if you write out “one”, for example) there is an error message asking you to put in a whole number and it uses 35 as an example. Try scrolling down to the bottom to see if you can put in a number answer for that question and hit “Next” below it? Hope this works, if not let us know again and we will do some digging!

I think the survey should have more questions about the fear of lows. You have asked if people keep their blood glucose high on purpose (job, social etc) and how often. But these can be very rational and strategic decisions for someone with a high level of sports activity per week. So the frequency does not tell anything about the quality of control.

To investigate this dependency between fear and behaviour some additional questions would be helpful. For example: is your basal dosage adjusted to your basal needs or is it set in respect to your fear of lows? I think this would help to find out how many people do not have the control they could have because their fears do not allow that.

Still didn’t get a "continue or anything it just said “Exit and save” Ok totally computer dumd (as you all know) but where is it that I’m messing up or is it this computer doing it to me HA! gotta blame the computer b/c I’m ALWAYS right! LOL!

Doris-- Do you see a scroll bar on the right side of the TuAnalyze window? You should be able to scroll down within the window just the same way you can on any web page. The “Next” button is at the bottom of the page and not visible until you’ve scrolled down all the way to the bottom.

Are you using Internet Explorer? Google Chrome? It could be that your internet browser is having trouble displaying the survey properly. If you still can’t get to the bottom of the page to move on to the next page, we will see if it is something we can fix.

Thanks for your patience!

Yep I use Internet Exploror. (had one of those days yesterday My g-daughter decided to cry non stpo for 1 hour and my hubby made it worse) I’ll go check it out. LOL!