The TuAnalyze team at Children’s Hospital Boston and are thrilled to announce the publication of the first paper on the TuAnalyze project! Published yesterday in PLoS One (you can read the whole paper here), the paper has already drawn a good deal of media attention. You can read the Children's Hospital Boston press release here.
This first report focuses on the initial uptake of the application, sharing preferences, and an early analysis of reported A1c values. Since these data were collected, participation in TuAnalyze has nearly doubled, and we have added surveys collecting data on disease type, care, treatment, and hypoglycemia. We look forward to integrating these new data into future papers, and sharing our findings with the TuDiabetes community.
We would like to give a huge thank you to the TuDiabetes community, and to everyone who has participated in TuAnalyze. Our work would not be possible without your support and participation!