Although I am not new to diabetes I never quite got the right information when is the best time to take you blood sugar. I now take it before I eat breakfast and dinner but I don’t feel like I am doing it properly. Can someone give me the best times. Thank you so much.
Why are you testing? Each test should be answering a question. Usually the best question for a person with Type 2 to ask is “Does this food which I ate an hour ago raise my blood sugar to a level that will damage my organs?”
This page which is an adaptation of the “Newly Diagnosed” page from the old newsgroup gives you a good idea how to use your meter to get back into a healthy state.
I am with you…I have been toying around, trying to find when it is the best time to do it. I have tried it after the first meal (after having breakfast…about two hours after starting the meal. I don’t even know if this is correct. Sometimes I will do a test after the meal which might have a lot of carbos (same timing - 2 hours later. The safety rule of the readings is less than 110, first thing in the morning before ingesting anything, drink, food. (This is the fasting rule). Any testing after a meal, if the reading is 180 or less…that is good. Now I am about ready to search the good rule of what should a person’s reading be if a test is taken say three, four hours after eating. Is the BG supposed to be “back to normal” or what?
anyone have an idea? This probably shows how “green” I am at this game of learning.
Ditto Jenny. She is “spot on” with her information and her website helped me reach an A1c of 5.7% within 3 months of a 6.5% diagnoses. It may not be the biggest swing of an A1c result but, it put me on the right path and that little change made me far less stressed and more confident of my future.