Taking Care of Yourself

Hello everyone!

My question to you is what have you done for yourself today? What have you done for self care? Self care is usually associated with health care providers but it really applies to anyone. Self care is defined as doing things that recharge your mind, body, and soul. This can be as simple as taking a few minutes alone to listen to a song that has meaning for you, petting your cat or dog, going for a walk, having your favorite chewing gum, ect…It is different for everyone. Life is busy and often keeps us on the run with work, responsibilities, families, and of course our diabetes care. Everyday you should take a few minutes and do what works for you to recharge your batteries! Taking a few minutes each day to take care of yourself is not selfish, in fact, it is the opposite of selfish! Taking care of yourself mentally will allow you to be a better worker, friend, partner, whatever your role is.

So I challenge you to do something nice for yourself today. You will be amazed how much better you will feel!

Be Happy,


Please visit our new site, www.1happydiabetic.com!

Debb, these are great examples of what works for you! Thanks for helping people think outside of the box on this one :slight_smile:

Danny, thanks for the support. Love ya man!