Tanzeum / Victoza blues

So I have been trying to take Tanzeum and Victoza for awhile. The issue that im having with both of them is that my digestive system shuts off and i start getting really bloated and burping up this funky tasting gas. And then after about 3 days of just being miserable I have to induce vomiting just to start feeling better and to get the rotting food off my stomach since its not being digested or really doing anything. I like them both because they make me “full” because my body doesn’t produce that hormone that tells you you’re full. So I am eating less, but in the mean time it is making me “sick”. With this weeks shot I started taking a probiotic and ate some yogurt to try and help and it did for a day or so but this morning i woke up to the nasty burps again. Does anyone else have these issues too? If so what do you do or take for it so I can try that out. I really dont want to quit this medication but I dont think I can handle having to induce vomiting every few days, and plus I dont think its good for my teeth or esophagus.

I took Byetta and Victoza by never Tanzeum. I don’t believe Tanzeum and Victoza should be taken together. You should check with your doctor about that. Also you are usually advised to start with the smallest dose and work up to a full dose. Did you start with a small dose?

And both of these GLP-1 drugs can alter the hormone signaling that affects stomach emptying. If you also suffer from gastroparesis it may cause problems. There are things that might help gastroparesis.

I’m type 1 using Victoza to help with post meal spikes. I did start at .6 for a few weeks and than went to 1.2. I didn’t have any stomach problems like I did with Smylin. And I’m staying with the 1.2 dose as it seems to be working great. Also don’t have much of an appetite, which is great and shocking has lead to a 13 pound drop in my weight!! Yippee! Not sure if it’s due to the new meds or just all the walking I’m doing. Sorry things aren’t working well. I’d call your doctor and discuss the side effects. No one should be that miserable. Hang in there. You can find the right meds that will work for you.

Well i dont have any issues completely voiding when Im not on it. Im not taking them together either, just was saying that I had used Victoza and am now trying Tanzeum. Yeah the biggest issue i have with the two is like I said my digestive system “shuts down” and all the food and things that Ive eaten just sit in there and back up and partially digest and rot causing me to have these horrid burps and i get really bloated. This week since having added the probiotic it is helping a bit, but i dont have that “full” feeling like i did in week one and two. But my digestive system is still sluggish and I have actually had to induce vomiting this week now too :frowning:
I have talked to my doctor and he did say that there were somethings that we could try in junction with the medication. So we will have to see when I go back to see him in a week

I began taking Tanzeum 5 weeks ago. I experience exactly what you are describing. The burps are very nasty and foul tasting. I talked to my doctor and she says it is a result of the slowed digestion… it doesn’t seem like much can be done. I also have very foul smelling farts… my symptoms are associated with diarrhea and vomiting. I can usually tell when those are coming because the burps get worse and worse until the other symptoms set in. For me, it is always worse at night… I think that’s because it follows dinner… I wish I had an answer for you… but you are difinitely not alone… I thought it was in my head. It’s definitely not. :confused:

am take tanzeum funky tasting gas and nasty burps it making me sick what can I take for it