I guess eating sugar in the middle of the night doesn't do too well for the chompers, eh?
I need dental work on the back molars. They aren't what they used to be, let me tell you, Bob! I actually almost started to cry when the dentist told me I may need a root canal. I've tried so hard to keep everything healthy, it's just overwhelming to hear when you lose a battle.
Anyway I'm sure I'm not alone. It's not easy to see my body decay. I'm just going to keep trying though, I'm not giving up yet.
Oh Valerie, it's scary, I know. I hope you don't need to do it. I had 2 molars taken out in the past 5 years. I understand they do root canals differently these days. They will do everything they can to make it as easy on you as possible. hugs!
No, you are definitely not alone. I know that you are correct on th issue Valerie. I wish I had known/thought of that when I was younger. Dentists/Hygenists should have given people more info concerning our teeth than they did.
Sorry that you may have to go through a root canal. I've had a few. On the other hand, it's better than losing the tooth.
For several years, I've kept a glass of water on my night stand, so if I need something sweet to raise my blood sugar on occasion during the night or food for my pain pills, I rinse my mouth/teeth with water. (I really do not feel like flossing or brushing my teeth during my sleeping times).
Also, if I have citric foods, especially lemons, oranges, clementines, I also rinse my mouth with water, if I'm unable to brush, since citric foods erode the enamal on our teeth. Diabetes of course, doesn't help either. Chewing sugar-free gum also helps create more saliva to help dilute sugars and acids from fruits, juices, pop, alcohlic drinks etc. Oh and I haven't drank pop since the 1980's, I guess, except once in a blue moon. Bad stuff, unless it's the only thing available for a low.
Wishing you the best, whether you need a root canal or not.