God knew i’d fight.
Forever Repetitive Educatational Sigh
Insidious Monster in cage.
Hate this so much!
My first thoughts at diagnosis were: That can’t be right!
It’s Part Of Me
Gets In Way Sometimes
sucks. (you really only need one word! haha!)
Always On My Mind
It Makes Me Special
Challenging, frustrating, hopeful, surviving
It’s all about numbers
exhausting, rollercoaster, hopeful, frustrating
Hi Lise I hope you are well, and it is good to hear from you. I would have to sum it up by saying it is the most Silent, Sneaky, Severe Predator I have ever met, with the possible exception of a select few who are willfully ignorant. Human Resources anyone? (ha ha).
Love Always
The Anonymous Diabetic.
shock, fear, frustration, RECONSTRUCTION
Loss of sight, meters, can’t, sadness
Learning , Living , Hoping , Understanding
like a slow cancer
fear, humbleness, chance, deepness
Type 1 or Type 2?
Thank you Danny, just down in the dumps lately but trying to dig my way out.
Meant to tell you I loved your response.
“Management easier with acceptance”
harder than they realize