Tell me in 4 words what you think of diabetes

Depressing, aggravating,worry,and pain :frowning:

my life long disease

My daughter has per-diabetes. When I heard the word diabetes “my heart just dropped”.

dance hoping to learn

For the traveling diabetic (with apologies to Lynn Truss):

shoots eats and leaves

How about:

pricks strips and pumps

Fair Winds,

Don’t ever underestimate it…

Bamboozled, Insane, Demanding, Acceptance…

when diagnosed:
you’ve gotta be kidding.

later the same day:
am i gonna die?

as i learned more:
i can handle this.

when i’m feeling burned out:
i can never relax.

most of the time:
still living every day.

Stuart, isn’t that the truth we just don’t know when… my bg was 17 a couple weeks ago im only 48 i was knocking on deaths door nobody answered i was lucky lol steve… a cure is coming so they say

I hugged my boys.

Sing it sista! I totally agree. It can’t take my soul or my laughter. Those are MINE and off limits. There are some other things, I’m sure, but these two top the list.

scared, confused, painful, challenge

mine is : I want my freedom

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tiring, frustrating, pain, unique.

sugarless, shots, stuck, scared

I love…“don’t punch my site”…I always have to remind my niece:)


so agree…let’s just CURE it:)

carbs, highs, emotional, never ending

Confusing, frustrating, blessing, curse.