Thank You Diabetes Online Community

Dear Diabetes Online Community (especially Tudiabetes):
I would just like to thank everyone in every single forum that I've ever visited for helping me to cope and deal with my diagnosis back in January.
I felt so angry, lost, confused, lonely, and most of all scared.
One day I was fine. The next I was bedridden and hospitalized with DKA. The day after that I was diagnosed with Diabetes, something I never gave a second thought to (being that I did not and still do not fall into the diabetes stereotypes).
In the past several months it has been a roller coaster ride of: carb counting, differentiating between good and bad cholesterol, having specialized times to eat, navigating through the grocery aisles so I won't be confronted by the specters of my favorite sweets (I really miss sugary kids cereal), eating to avoid hypers, and keeping tons of glucose tabs on my person to avoid hypos. All of that in addition to continuous doctor shopping!
Speaking of which, after months, I've FINALLY found doctors worth their salt who retyped me as a LADA (1.5)person with Diabetes instead of insisting that I'm a type two just because I'm producing my own insulin (despite the fact that said doctor had my GAD POSITIVE antibody test in her hands).
For the last four days I've been on 14 units of insulin every morning and my Diabetes treatment has become so much easier to deal with. I've been able to eat a little more carbohydrate and have healthier balanced meals in addition to knowing that my BETA cells are no longer being devastated at a rapid rate.
I never would have known, and just taken my doc's word for it, had it not been for the forums. You guys helped me to really get proactive and care about my own health.
Now, I am doing really good. With Diabetes everyday is different. But right now the majority of them are good.
I want to become a regular on these forums because I hope to be there for a newly diagnosed person like all of you were for me.
Thank you.
Type 1.5 LADA Tommy.

Awesome post! I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better!!

That's great Tommy! Most of us have been where you are/were, and are paying it forward. Good deal huh? :)

Look forward to updated from you.

Glad to hear you've finally know what's going on and are learing to deal with it. Sorry if this means you need to change your member name! :)

Really, really great to hear how much better you are feeling already now that you are on insulin. And good for you for persisting until you got the correct diagnosis. Many, many people come here, diagnosed as T2 but they are not--you will have your hands full helping them!!!! But as you know, it is so worth it.

Nothing better than reading that you're doing well. Been where you were diagnosed DKA & am also grateful for info & kindness I fortunately found online. I left the hospital in a daze determined to learn everything I could. What I found confused me. I'd sit alone & cry from frustration. How many times I thought that I'd never understand it, never be able to do all the things that needed to be done because I simply didn't comprehend what to do.

Happy you found good doctors who understand.

Stay healthy & be well!

Wow, thanks for the update!!! I very vividly remember your first post and recall thinking, "They diagnosed him wrong! This guy is definitely a T1!" I am glad to hear you were properly retyped and that things are going better and that you're getting the appropriate treatment.

Living with T1 is definitely an adjustment, but it's not impossible and part of it involves your frame of mind. It sounds like you're doing well in that respect. I really believe that we as individuals control how we deal with something like T1D. Either you roll over and let it get the best of you, or you learn to live with it and even learn FROM it. I know I've learned a ton from living with T1D and in many ways it has made me a better, smarter, and more well-adjusted person. It's all a matter of perspective.

Tommy, I'm so glad you found some answers and that you're doing so well! I remember your first post too and thinking "I bet he's Type 1" because I was also misdiagnosed years ago. Good for you for pushing for answers until you found the right doctors.

Most importantly, I'm happy that your diabetes care regimen has become more comfortable for you. :)

I'n also one of the ones who came on here when things didn't make sense and left realizing that I was Type 1, not Type 2 as the medical profession had labelled me....only I never left and now can be here and listen to people like you and say, "hmmmm...that sounds familiar" and hopefully help one more person stop wandering around blind. Glad you're doing well!

This is a wonderful group. What a great story and a wonderful post!

We don't hear enough about how this kind of support helps us. Glad to be of help,. Tommy, and I am grateful that you are willing to return the favor to another in need when necessary.

We all can learn from this. We need not be too embarrassed to turn to others for help, nor should be be so reserved to lend a hand. We cannot cope with this disease alone. It is so good to have a community that understands and knows so well from experience.

I hear the theme song from Rocky in the background.