Thank you everyone for welcoming me to tudiabetes. I'm t2, insulin dependent since Aug. 4, 2011. I take Levemir 2x daily and Novolog 3x daily. I had no clue what was wrong with me at the time, lost way too much weight too fast, very thirsty and very lethargic. Admitted to hospital and was told "Has anyone every told you was Diabetic?" REALLY?? SERIOUSLY?? I had no clue what the symptons even where for diabetics! They immediatly put me on insulin. I have felt so much better now that I have it somewhat under control. I still have trouble figuring out how much Novolog to take before meals, sometimes too much and times not enough. Oh well enough of that, Thank you all very much and hope you all are doing well!
Welcome. We have many members with good information about insulin use. Hope you enjoy it here. Cheers! Joanne
Hi KJT2. There are ways to figure out how much insulin to take with different foods, beginning with counting the carbs in the food you are eating, and then taking the right amount of insulin for that number of carbs. The amount we each need is individual. The best way to figure out how much you need can be found in either of two excellent books, Gary Scheiner's "Think Like a Pancreas, completely revised and updated", and John Walsh's "Using Insulin". A good help to figure out the number of carbs in different foods is with the book, "The Calorie King", or the website, (All three books are available at Amazon.) Welcome, and good luck!
Hello and Welcome. Glad you are here, you will get alot of great support and advice. Trudy's advice is great!!
Welcome to the TuD family KJT2. Have fun browsing the discussions!
weight too fast, very thirsty and very lethargic
i hate to say this but you are type 1 frome all the
symptoms you ware having if you need more info let me know