The never ending lows

For the last week or so I have been hitting lows and having a he-double hockey sticks time trying to bring them up. Every morning I have been in the 50’s. Nothing has changed, Ive been doing great. Maybe the weather warmed up a bit?! Im new to this and absolutely frustrated. I dropped back my Lantus from 20u to 15u last night and I woke up at 80 and quickly dropped. Last night after coming home from work I was in the 60’s for about 6hours straight. I would down some juice/pop go up to about 90 ish, eat something, and then an hour later Im back in the 60’s! UHHHHHHH!! Lows are so debilitating, and eat up so much time and patients. Any ideas?

Im not too good at record keeping, I have a 3 year old and 1 year old, work full time, Im happy with my A1C at 7.4, yet these lows can go, now!

Marnie, when the weather changes, or my routine changes, or even the time change (daylight or standard) can affect me for a few weeks. I sometimes ease up on my basal, add fats and proteins to my meals (it makes the carbs last longer), change my carb ratio or all 3. If it doesn’t help talk to your doctor. hope you are okay.

Well Joe, you hit two. We have the time change and the weather went form 20 degrees to 70 yesterday, gotta love Detroit! We have also started walking more with the kids, but I have never had an experience like last night. I actually ate a little debbie (starcrunch) and barely went up. Its just strange, seems to be no rhyme or reason…or maybe there are many…

=) there are many! those 2 things alone (weather and walking) could really change everything. when someone unfamiliar with diabetes asks me what it’s like, i tell them it’s like juggling an egg, a hammer, and a running chainsaw - you gotta keep it all pretty straight or else!

Too true! I suppose after I think about it I have lost about 8 lbs in the last 8 weeks as well. What a change for me to have to think about something as common as walking or loosing a few lbs. Im 32 5’8" and for all of my life have been between 120-130 lbs (of course besides when pregnant, I could tip the scales at 180 lb with my daughter- gestational diabetes!) It has always been normal for me to vary 5 + lbs at any given momement. It is now that I must account for thoes lbs or I will have nights like I had yesterday. All of you know that awful funk your in during a “high low” (60’s) and to maintain that for a period of hours, it was like a dream I couldn’t wake up from. Numbers are up a bit today. Here’s another question- now that I went back on the Latus to I change my ratio for carbs/Novolog? I didn’t, assuming that I should at least keep one thing normal.

not necessarily… it’s not hard to check your ratio. Bolus for and then have a 20g (carbs) snack with low to moderate protein or fat. Checking your bs every hour for 5 hours. at hour 4 you should be within 30mg/dl of when you started, or your ratio is wrong. repeat until you get good results, or kill someone, or throw your meter out the window =)

This is great advice. I am one of thoes new T1’s that has not made it to the Endo yet. I was ready to go then I had my last A1C and thought, hmmm- I must be doing something right so I’ll wait for now.

So Joe (or anyone :0) ) what is your trick to keeping good detailed records? I was told not to go to the endo without at least two weeks worth of very detailed records. Being a full time working Mom and great procrastinator I find little time to jot down all that passses through these lips. I have been doing great with counting, but to count dose and write? THats pushing it.