I’m a 59 year old male, vegetarian for 40 years, diagnosed with diabetes 3+ years ago. I am currently doing well on a lacto ovo vegetarian diet + concentrated fish oil supplements. Recent a1c 5.3 . High good fats, very low carbs, moderate protein diet. Absolutely no grains, fruits (cept some berries), sugar, starchy vegetables. Organic, high nutrient, grass fed, locally grown always first choice. I highly regard Gary Taubes and Dr. Richard Bernstein’s work. I created a group on facebook for likeminded folks who also want to manage their diabetes with low carbs and remain vegetarian. See: http://www.facebook.com/groups/veglowcarb
to share recipes and exchange more how to info.
Let’s continue to share our discoveries and food experiments together!
Vegetarian diet is a very smart solution to the diabetic and one of the reasons is its lower levels of proteins. Diabetics tend to eat more proteins as they try to lower carbohydrates and fats. BTW my a1c dropped to below 6 when I have stopped all milk products.
some scientific data on diabetes and vegeterianism.
I have been a vegetarian for some 30+ years and was diagnosed with T2 about 3 years ago. So, just being a vegetarian doesn’t protect you from diabetes.
I did a lot of research and finally came to the conclusion that carbs are just long chains of sugar which raise your blood glucose. Even though I was vegetarian, I was consuming some large amounts of carbs, rice, potatoes, pasta, bread etc.
I think that vegetarians probably eat more carbs than omnivores. Any comments?
I started the journey to vegetarianism a year ago after being diagnosed as a diabetic and after reading several studies on the benifits of the vegitain diet and diabeties. Thinking that this would be my way to control D with diet and exercise. It worked to some degree but I still ended up with lots of highs. I went vegan in January when I developed an animal protien allergy. I had to start oral meds in March and as of today they are not working. I am stuck between a rock and a hard spot. I am a very active person and run 5-6 times a week with total week milage at +/- 30 miles. I cannot control the spikes, and I spike when I exercise and stay that way for several hours afterwards. I am to see an endo next week and am interested in what I will find out. Anyone have suggestions before I go? I don't want to give up my vegan diet, infact my PCP said do not touch the diet at all. I also have to have enough food to make it through the day and this is challenging. I am 36 years old.
ahaney, What is your carb intake in a day? Are you eating grains? Fruit? A lacto ovo vegetarian low carb high fat moderate protein diet may give you better results. see: www.facebook.com/groups/veglowcarb
I can not eat dairy products at all because of allergies. I have done eggs in the past but must limit as I sensitive to these and do not want a nother allergy. I try to keep my carb intake as low as possible, under 150 and protien around 50. It is hard because I only have beans, nuts, grains, and soy to use as protien sources. I have no idea what kind of treatment I should be on but this is the best I can do with what I have right now. But my numbers are all over the place up down up down. I also can not have any shellfish as husband and daughter are highly allergic to it so it is a no go on shellfish. As far as fruit goes I try to keep it down to a two pieces a day and use it when I am low. Berries do not seem to spike me as much.
Thanks for sharing more info. Green leafy veggies have some protein too you know! If you eat soy, are you eating tempeh, miso, natto or tofu?
I'd still recommend a balance of high good fats (primarily olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, and some almonds, macadamias, walnuts), moderate protein (can supplement with low carb protein shakes), and very low carbohydrates (up to 6gms for breakfast, 12 each for lunch and dinner)!
This is good info.mi have been eating avocado, almond,walnuts and Spanish a lot. I have tried tempeh but it is a bit strange for me. Soy is my biggest protein source with tofu being the number one staple. Minhave tried some textured meatless proteins with some being a right. I just don’t like th fact there is so much processing in these pre packaging fods. What kind of protein is in the protein you are useing for shakes?