For the last four years I have been pumping with Medtronic Paradigm 712. A few months ago, the first one I had quit, so I got a replacement. However, I recently found out that I can upgrade to a new Medtronic, or switch companies all together. The main reason I went with Medtronic four years ago was because of the CGM it came with, but the sensor and I had a love-hate relationship. (It loved to stop working and I hated to use it). I have been really interested and heard good things about Dexcom CGM, but have heard a lot of mixed reviews between Medtronic and Animas. Just curious as to what everyone else thinks/ recommends.
I’ve been with medtronic for 12 years. I’m getting the new animas ping next week. The drawfor me is that it is waterproof. I have small kids and spend a lot of time in the pool in the summer. The reservoir for animas is half the size of my paradigm though. Not sure how I’ll like that but I can deal!
I am really pleased with the Animas pump and the service I receive.
I have had the Animas pump for 2 years and I absolutely love it. I have never had a problem with their service dept. They have always been helpful. The problems I have had, have been because of my insurance. I love that I dont have to worry if I get it wet. This was my very first pump and wouldn't think of trying a different one.