Cheers guys..
I think I will just make a few more tweaks, mostly I will be reducing carbs, I still eat about 150g a day, so will be halving that over the next month or so, hoping this will reduce my insulin requirements and hypos. Maybe I will just have a zero carb breakfast and a no more than 25g lunch and maybe go a little crazy in the evening and have a 50g blow out in the evening...
I did follow Bernstein for three months in 2007... Lost about 15kg, had great sugars, but was so tired, I was also in ketosis as I was burning fat and found running hard going. Also got tired of eggs for breakfast, chicken for lunch and fish for dinner..
I just downloaded bloodsugar 101 via amazon and was really impressed with it, the author recommends having a blow out meal regularly. So I think I am going to try to be really strict most of the time and every second Friday, I am going to take a big bolus, have the fries, the bap with my burger and a piece of cheesecake ha..
I also snack too much, especially since I started the pump. Too easy when I know I can press a button on a remote control and bolus for it. So some self discipline will be required here.
I am quite carb tolerant, I know alot of you guys follow Bernstein's recommendations and have about 35g a day, but I think I would waste away, imagine running for more than 45 minutes at a time would be tough as well.
Like you say, people's mileage will vary and I will get there with time. I will try to get a little better each week and see where I end up. :)
Exercise after meals will help me as well I think, I still tend to spike too high 1-2hr after meals. I am always back in target after 3hrs, but feel that this is an area I can work on.
It was a great feeling to get a 6.2%, I actually felt quite emotional about and pleased that all my hard work was making a difference. but looking through my data there have been alot of lows and I've also gone through 3kg of Jelly Beans in 4 weeks ha ha..
It is still early days on the pump though, I only started on it late November 2011..
I have a feeling 2011 has been a real turning point for my long term health though, I always used to put other things ahead of my diabetes, e.g career, fun, relationships, sports.. This is the first time it has been my primary focus and I have to admit it has all been worth it :)
Thanks again, wishing you all well for 2012..