My blood sugars today ...
3:52 - 13.6 (245)
5:57 - 9.4 (169)
7:22 - 6.3 (113) - Breakfast
10:15 - 8.9 (160)
1:44 - 13.0 (234) - Lunch
3:29 - 13.6 (245)
4:40 - 13.2 (238)
6:19 - 13.7 (247) - Dinner
7:45 - 13.9 (250)
I basically corrected twice overnight to get into range. Then ate breakfast and have been stuck at the same level ever since. Constant corrections, injections, site changes, new insulin ... nothing. Still no or trace ketones, so I'm getting insulin, it's just not what my body needs right now.
I don't know why my body's insulin needs seem to change sooooo drastically sometimes. Maybe hormones, who knows, but does that mean I'm going to have to put up with another 15-20 years of this??? Five days ago my basal rate was 22u and my I:C ratio was 1:12. Now my basal is over 27u and my I:C ratio is 1:8 and I'm STILL running so high.
It drives me crazy. I wish it was as simple as tweaking basal rates or ratios but I feel like my main problem is not that my doses are off but that my body's insulin needs change so much every week or so. I am constantly either running too high or too low or bouncing all over the place when I'm in a "transition" in between the two. I mean, at least if it was one pattern all the time that would be easier ... I feel like dealing with this constantly is the reason why I'm never able to get an A1c in target no matter how much I try.
I'm feeling frustrated. I'm sure running high for DAYS on end has contributed a lot to my bad mood. :( I also slacked on my diet last week and ate some wheat, soy, and nuts. I noticed minimal symptoms until this week. This week my throat is terrible and I can barely swallow and food hurts going down. I ate the food a week and a half ago and am still waiting for the reaction to go away. Won't be doing that again.
My mom came over today and she was so supportive (she has been soooo supportive with all this allergy stuff) and said I'm trying to hard. Well, some days I'm so sick of trying!! But if I don't I would die, so ...
Heck, it just occurred to me that maybe my reaction is causing my BG to be so high?? But I'm leaning more towards hormones, I think. Ugh. Maybe also why I'm in a crabby mood. Haha.
Anyway, I just needed to vent somewhere. Feel weird doing vents like this on Facebook because it makes everyone all worried. Really, I just need to vent and then move on. I'm off to do some cleaning and work on my thesis and HOPEFULLY tomorrow will be better!!!