Hi everyone,
I’ve been T1D for 16 years. Now on an Omnipod / Freestyle Libre (I have looping set up but am taking a break).
I was a LCHF advocate for five years with excellent HBA1C’s ranging from 41 (5.9%) to 48 (6.5%). I changed my diet to vegan 10 months ago and was trying to stay LCHF but found this really difficult, limiting and needing to use a lot of processed food. My insulin sensitivity also had gotten really bad and my I:C ratio was very blunt at around 1:7g or 1:8g
I want to see if I can transition to HCLF plant-based and improve my insulin sensitivity and open the range of plant foods I can enjoy. I tried this since January but I the sensitivity didn’t improve much and my sugars have regularly been in the 15-20 range after eating (270-360).
I’ve since “fallen off the wagon” and been continuing eating vegan but now am eating high carbs for the first time in years PLUS fats…not a good combo.
By joining the community, I’m hoping to get some support in transitioning in a more methodical way and incorporating exercise which I think was the missing factor.
I will post my results here as I go through this and I hope this might help others also wanting to transition.