I’m on my 3rd sensor in a row that is just not cutting it. I usually have very good accuracy after about the first 24 hours, but these 3 sensors have had only moments of accuracy. For the most part, they have exaggerated spikes by about 50-75 points, and most often they have me going lower and lower and lower when I’m not. I had a double arrow down alert with a reading of 34 the other day and my blood sugar was 131 and holding steady! Also, the battery on my receiver for this last sensor has dropped dramatically compared to normal. I’ve been using this system for about a year now, and I’m wondering if either the transmitter or the receiver is starting to die on me. Anyone have similar experiences? What behaviors have you found when your transmitter or receiver dies on you?
Will be calling Dexcom after my endo appointment today, where I’m hoping somebody can give me advice, also.
Mine recently died on me after 1.5 years. I noticed the accuracy was not very good then I get episodes where display showed ???, then come back after a couple hours, then repeat with ???. I saw the same thing shortly after I put in a new sensor. I had a spare transmitter waiting for this day so I popped out the old one and put in the new transmitter. Worked fine after that.
I’ve had mine for over a year and half now and am kinda dreading the day it decides to stop working on me. Right now it seems to be fine for the most part, it has a little more difficulty when I’m far away (say taking a shower and it’s in my bedroom) but usually it’s ok. I’m interested to hear what does happen when it does too though!
They recommend that you get a replacement Dexcom after your year is up, as it will be out of warranty. I just went through that, got my replacement two months ago but haven’t started using it yet because the old system is still working. However my BC/BS insurance is refusing to pay for it, so I am starting the appeal process. My doctor’s nurse wants me to send it back to Dexcom and continue to use the original Dexcom.