Hello! Bear with me, as this will be a long post and I'm new here and don't know all the lingo. :)
My husband, Kris, was diagnosed as type 2 when he was 19--he is now type 1 and has been on insulin for about 6 years. He is 32 years old. About 3 1/2 years ago he was in the hospital with DKA, recovered and regained control. However, about 6 months later he developed diabetic retinopathy which (in addition to a congenital eye problem he has) caused him to be unable to continue his job. We attempted several things to treat the condition with no success. He remained out of work and trying to file for disability.
About 9 months ago, after starting a fish oil supplement, he woke up from a nap and his vision was corrected. It isn't 100% back to what it used to be (again, it was never great to begin with) but he is able to do normal things like read, make out faces, etc. Throughout all of this, I believe his blood sugar has been at least decently controlled. He mainly did his thing, I didn't pay a whole lot of attention because there seemed to be few problems. In October of 2011 he got a part time job. Recently, they upped his hours to about 35 a week. After being off of work for so long, his readings are all over the place. For example, one day (not a work day) 2 hrs. after lunch he was 149, then about an hour later he plummeted to 49. The past few weeks we have been working hard to get him straitened out, but today before I got home from work he passed out, somehow made it to the kitchen on his own to get something to eat, and is now exhausted. His last reading (about 3 hrs after the incident) was 249 and now we are dealing with that. **SIGH** They told him at work that his hours are being cut again until he can get his diabetes under control, but I am afraid that if this continues he will lose his job.
To complicate things enormously...we are uninsured. His medication comes from a low-income program, but anything more than test strips are mainly out of our reach. We make juuust too much to meet the income requirements for our local free clinic.
Needless to say, I'm a nervous wreck. I fear leaving him alone and am at my wits end as to what to do, so I am turning to this forum for some advice, or at least an idea of where to start! Here is his current regimen: He takes 1 unit of Novolog for every 15 g of carbs he consumes at mealtime and snacks. He takes a daily dose around 11 am of 16 units of Lantus, he takes a few unit less on the days that he works.
Ideas? Suggestions? Friendly encouragement? I need it! :)
Thank you in advance! --Veronica