TuDiabetes mentioned in the LA Times!

I was welcoming our newest member this morning (who joins us from Holland) and noticed that he learned about TuDiabetes through an article on Ning.com that was published on the LA Times.

So I googled “LA Times Ning” and what would be my surprise when I found that TuDiabetes.com is mentioned in there:
"Ning, which means “peace” in Chinese, has spawned 86,000 social networks on topics such as TV shows and for groups like English soccer clubs, teachers and firefighters. TuDiabetes.com, a Ning-powered site for people with diabetes, calls itself ‘MySpace on insulin.’ "

Here is the article link:

I don’t know about you guys, but I am about to cry (of joy)… I am truly speechless…

Just in case you guys want to Digg this:

Yeah, this is pretty awesome, Manny. I love that Scott’s tagline has made it to the print media… :smiley:


Thanks to Scott for the MySpace analogy you came up with about TuDiabetes back in June!


Wow…congrats, Manny! I am so proud of you…of us… of Tu!
Way to go!

In case you missed the article, attached here is the PDF showing the mention of TuDiabetes.com highlighted in yellow.
9084-LosAngelesTimes_MarcAndreessencastsawideNet.pdf (49.4 KB)

Way To go Manny! You are making news I know your proud! Just keep up the good work! Not only are you helping us out you are helping other’s from all over too!

Watch someone at MySpace try to sue me now…


Congrats Manny…and congrats to us all. More exposure to Diabetes only means good things to all Diabetics.