TuDiabetes Wins Dosie Award for "Best Patient Community – Non-Brand Controlled" category!

We just got the great news!! We won second place for Best Patient Community - Non-Brand Controlled (meaning that there is not a pharmaceutical company behind the community) for this year's Dosie Awards.

In a category that was packed with great communities, we came in after dLife and just ahead of Juvenation. Thanks to all of you for support and for voting for TuDiabetes! It is YOU who make the TuDiabetes family what it is!!

We want to take the opportunity to congratulate SixUntilme's Kerri Sparling and DiabetesMine's Amy Tenderich who came in first and second in the Best Patient or Caregiver blog category.

Last, we are happy to see that Children With Diabetes took the first place in the Best Brand-Sponsored Patient Community category, followed by the Diabetes Handprint initiative. This program was inspired by Word In Your Hand, a program of the Diabetes Hands Foundation, the nonprofit that runs TuDiabetes, licensed by OneTouch to help the diabetes community at large. Today, for every submission someone makes to the Diabetes Handprint, OneTouch makes a donation of $5 to a diabetes charity... among the charities you can choose from is Diabetes Hands Foundation, so we definitely encourage you to participate in the Diabetes Handprint.

Here's to MANY more triumphs for the diabetic community at large: all three winning communities were diabetes communities!!!

Well deserved but Yo, dLife, I’m real happy for you and Ima let you finish but TuDiabetes has the best Patient Communities of ALL TIME!!

'nuff said.

Awesome, Manny! And very well deserved.

Congrads TuD!!!

yay! Thank you eveybody who voted for us! :slight_smile:

Awesome! Congrat hugs to TuD & all the winners!


Congratulations, Manny, and to all members of the site.

I’m relatively new here but already am very impressed with the site, the quality of information available, and the wonderful feeling of community between members. To be honest, I’m losing that mumbly grumbly feeling about being diabetic in large part as a result of broadening my thinking thanks to this site and the great posts. Again, congrats!!! —Anthony

Yay! Well deserved!

Congrats !!! TuD is the best !!!


yay! congrats to you all! xoxoxoxoxx


Congrats, Manny! You’ve earned it :slight_smile:

Wahoo! YeeHaa! Congrats to Manny and his team for making this such a great community!

Fair Winds,

Gee, and I subscribe to all three (dLife, this site, and Juvenation!!!). I already know what is best, obviously! However, I think this site if really first place—maybe next year? Congrats, anyway… [;D