Vote for TuDiabetes BEFORE June 22 at 11:59 PM EDT!

We’re nominated for the 2011 Dosie Awards for the second year in a row for the “Best Patient Community (Non-Brand Sponsored)” category.

Last came year, we came in second:

Please help us win this great award by casting your vote here:

When you get to the Dosie Awards page, search for “TuDiabetes” under the Best Patient Community (Non-Brand Sponsored) category and click on the box next to us:

Voting closes on June 22 at 11:59 PM EDT so, please hurry to cast your vote TODAY!

Thanks a ton for your support!!!

Done. First this year!

WOOOT!!! Thanks!!

With all the money that dlife throws at cable, it will be difficult to knock them off the throne, but we can always hope! :slight_smile:

TuD, you got my vote! Done!

I voted too! This site has been so helpful! Arrived feeling sick now…feeling healthy!



Done :wink: TuD is really the Best Patient Community ever!!!

got it !


Done!!! #1 this year.

Done-here’s hoping TuDiabetes wins!


Voted! TuDiabetes deserves to win.

Done ( on time !)

I voted also. Good Luck!

I just voted for Tudiabetes!!!

I Voted too! :slight_smile:

I just voted, it’s really easy too.

Got my vote!!!


“Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” (Margaret Mead)