Hi ladies!
So this morning I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! I am so so happy! I have wanted to be a mom for so long and this is my dream come true! However, I am also so so so worried about everything! My last A1C was 7.4 (prior pump) and I have been on my pump now for about 3 months and my meter is giving me an average of about 144, so I think that translates to around a 6.6? I am so worried about miscarriage, and just everything! This is my first baby and my biggest hope and prayer is for a good, healthy pregnancy and baby! My numbers have been running higher than usual and I am just waiting for those lows to creep up on me which scares me so much too! Any advice would be so apprecaited! I am about 4 weeks I think, my estimated due date (according to those calculators online is October 30th, right before Halloween
Have you called your endo yet? You should let them know right away.
Some women don’t even experience the first trimester lows – I needed MORE insulin until week 9. So follow your numbers and talk to your endo about how you should adjust your insulin doses. It’s possible that you need more insulin for the first weeks.
Congrats Mariah! Like Kristin, I didn’t experience first trimester lows until about week 9 or 10. I am 20 weeks along in a semi-unplanned pregnancy…when I found out I was pregnant (almost two months in, eek!) my A1C was 7.5 and just got my newest lab results on Friday that it has dropped to 6.0. Although my endo and OB (and MYSELF!) were concerned with a slightly elevated A1C in the early weeks, my level two ultrasound looked great with baby at an ideal size and all organs forming normally.
Congrats again and good luck on your journey! Lots of great support on this site
Thank you so much! We are extremely excited although am really scared also, I just hope that everything goes fine and that i dont have any severe lows. I havent called my Endo yet, I’m going to call her tomorrow as well as my primary and schedule some appointments, I found out Saturday (yesterday) so I figured I would wait until Monday, I am just so happy and cant believe that it happened so fast! We just started trying a month ago I already love this little one and its still forming into a baby
Were you as terrified of miscarriage as i am? I feel like I should be on cloud 9 but I am just really scared of everything! Did you experience this too?
Congrats on your pregnancy! and also the lower A1C! I want mine as low as possible that i can get it to help the baby! I am so very happy that everyhting is going well for you and that your ultrasound looked great! How do the ultrasounds work? and will I get one done at my first OB appt? Also what do you eat? and do you do any kind of excercise?
Hi Mariah! I shared the mix of excitement and fear when I found out that I was pregnant, but I can say that it has gotten better over time for me.
I did worry about miscarriage a lot. Because so many people don’t talk about it, I think that we don’t realize just how common it is. Many people many miscarry by 6 weeks without even knowing they were pregnant. My endo told me that I should be cautiously excited and this was the approach that I took. I chose not to tell anyone until week 7 (then we told our parents and very close family) and waited to tell more people until after week 12. We are all different in how soon we want to share the news, but I think that my fear of miscarriage did affect my decision. In the first trimester, I felt very excited, but very private about it.
I had an ultrasound at the OB-GYN at 7 weeks to confirm the pregnancy. You should look up 7 week ultrasounds on the internet to get an idea of what it will look like (our adorable little baby looked like a cute little splotch). But we could hear the heartbeat already, which was amazing to me.
Some people see a regular OB-GYN and a high risk OB-GYN. You may just got to the regular OB-GYN until you are at 11-12 weeks. Some high risk OB-GYNs don’t see women before that point, but ask you doctors.
Be careful not to overtreat lows. That can be the easiest way for me to end up with a high. When I have a mild low (45-60), I correct with 10g, wait 15 minutes and measure again. If I eat more than I needed, then I bolus for the extra right away and don’t wait to give a correction AFTER the high shows up. This has prevented the rebound highs. Talk to your endo about whether you should treat lows differently during pregnancy.
Take a deep breath and allow yourself to enjoy the moment too! It’s a lot of work, but it is doable
Hi Kristin!
Well I made all my calls this morning and have an appt with the primary care doctor on Thursday at 9:30 and then the appt with my endo at 1:00 so it is going to be a day full of appts! I also found out that my cgm will be covered at 100% with our insurance so that is great news We were really worried how much they would be But I feel a lot more confident and reassured that everything will be ok although I dont want to get my hopes up too too much just in case.
I think I will find a lot more info out about everything at the doctors appt on thursday Apparantly i am 5 weeks now and I have told a few friends but not our families yet, because we know the word will spread like wildfire! Its killing me not telling my mom though! But my husband is very adamate about waiting until like 12 weeks so i guess we will see what happens.
My bloodsugars have been good yesterday and today and I am slowly going to start transitioning back into whole wheat breads I think, I ate half an english muffin today with peanut butter for breakfast and 4 slices of turkey bacon, I wanted to ask you, what is the deal with lunch meat and bacon and stuff? Mine was cooked very very well and I have read that you have to cook it to really hot temps, do you eat that at all or just avoid it altogether?
Yes that is hard for me to do, I get scared and then overtreat the low, I have been training myself though not to do that and just have a few tiny sips of juice, I’ve been drinking a little pineapple juice when I get low and it seems to be working great when do you get to find out what youre having?
I eat hot dogs, but just boil them for a little longer. I don’t eat lunch meat, but I think that you can if you heat it. You might be able to find more healthy alternatively. I bake a whole turkey breast at home (with oregano on it) and then we slice from that for sandwiches.
I use a little shot glass for treating my lows. 50ml is enough for a minor low, 100 ml for a lower low. I find it good to drink it in a small glass to avoid chugging it! I love pineapple juice as well.
Thanks! We are just waiting for pre authorization from my insuarance company for the CGM! I really really hope that i can get it! Do you like yours?
Aww congrats on your boy!!! yay! That is a great idea! getting a turkey and then slicing it for sandwiches! Do you find that you can do whole wheat bread just fine? and do you have the medtronic minimed pump? and a shot glass is a great idea! lol
I am so ready to begin this journey! When did you start showing? I told my boss yesterday so he is aware that if work is just too much for me than it is just too much so that has made me feel loads better I just want this little one to be heralthy and to have a good pregnancy, I think thats what all of us want though! lol
I feel like I have been having a little heartburn and I am really tired and really really hungry all the time! Is that how it was for you in the early weeks?
I don’t have a CGM, but I have done a trial with one and I can see why it is really helpful! I live in Hungary and the insurance here doesn’t pay for it and it is too expensive for us now, but I have been able to manage OK without it. I use the MM pump and I did a trial with the MM CGMS. It was OK, but I have read A LOT better reviews about Dexcom – so I would recommend going with that even if you use a Minimed pump.
I can eat whole grain bread, but I eat at most 50g of bread (25g of carb) in the morning and 80g of bread (40g of carb at lunch and dinner). I eat rye bread or other real whole grain (not just “wheat bread”, which is only wheat because of the food coloring added!)
I was EXTREMELY tired in the early weeks – much more than I am now. I had a slight headache in weeks 3-6, but I have had a lot more energy since week 14 or so.
Oh ok, well I’m glad that you are doing so well without it! That’s awesome that you live in Hungary What is it like there? Isn’t it neat how we can connect all the way across the world!
I always but the whole grain bread and morning was fine for me and then I tried to eat a sandwich today for lunch and boom 186! So I dont know what is going on with me, do you think it’s possible to be really sensitive to bread? I guess I was just pushing my luck since this morning was so good I just dont know what I’m going to eat if I cant eat bread, I have been getting so hungry and then I will try and eat low carb but that usually is a lot of fat, and that will send me high also I guess I’m just stuck in a hard spot ;(
I think I’m going to see a nutritionist and see what they have to say, maybe they can help me plan out some meals or something
You may need to decrease your insulin to carb ratio (i.e. give a bigger bolus at lunch). I had to increase my insulin doses from weeks 4-9. Do you wait 10-20 minutes after you bolus to eat? Many women finds that this helps to avoid the spike.
Congrats, Mariah. You’re getting lots of great feedback so far, but I’m happy to answer any questions, too. I have a 13 month old daughter.
I never had first trimester lows…at all…and I ran higher in weeks 6 and 7, then didn’t see major spiking until week 20 or 21 (and it was an uphill climb day by day from there).
Remember that the low numbers don’t hurt the baby. Even non-diabetic women run lower blood sugars during pregnancy. High numbers do pose a threat though. So, like Kristin said, treat lows with tiny amounts and give them 15-20min to come up. The rebounds do more damage than the lows.
My gyno told me: avoid all lunch meats. I eat hot dogs but cook them very well. No sprouts (like brussel sprouts or bean sprouts) as they carry a lot of bacteria that can’t be released when cooked because the sprouts are so tightly encased in their own leaves. No Splenda as it is loaded with bleach. Splenda hides in many foods, so check your labels for anything with the ingredient Sucralose- as that is another term for Splenda. No fish other than tilapia and farm raised Salmon. Eggs need to be thoroughly cooked- so nothing other than scrambled until after baby comes. (I think I read that you didn’t like eggs anyway).
Limit caffeine to one cup of coffee per day, or one can of soda.
Hey Mariah- The baby is developing all of its organs and brain and spinal tissues during the first 8 weeks (which if you got a positive pregnancy test, you’re already 4-5 weeks in) so be mindful of your glucose levels during the next few weeks. Keep them as stable as possible so baby can develop his little organs to the best ability.
Your first gyno appointment will most likely have an u/s because they will want to “date” your baby to guess your EDD (expected delivery date). They will want to know your last period date and then they will likely add 2 weeks to that to guess your conception date. For the first trimester, your u/s will be vaginal as the baby is too small to see through the stomach. I heard a heartbeat at week 6 with my second pregnancy.
I do walking and use my elliptical for exercise. Don’t start a routine now that you’re pregnant that you didn’t do before pregnancy. You want to keep your body strong if it started strong, but you won’t want to stress your body out if it isn’t used to doing exercise already. Walking is good for pretty much everyone though. Try a half hour a day and see how that affects your BG.
I had severe first trimester lows and had to lower my insulin basals for a few weeks. I’m back to the same insulin ratio I was before pregnancy, and am at week 17 now. I’m sure I will be increasing my insulin dosages very soon as I’m seeing fasting BG of 120 instead of the typical 80.
I had never heard that about Splenda! I have been eating Splenda (though in only limited amounts) during the pregnancy. I have been avoiding aspartame, saccharin, and others. Are you consuming any sweeteners? If yes, do you know any that are better than Splenda?
Congratulations, I know my hubby and I were kind of shocked when we took a at home test, I think I took a total of three and the final one being digital. Haha. It is so wonderful. Just be sure to talk to your endo and try to find you a high risk doctor. I had those scary highs around the time I am guessing I concieved since this really wasn’t as much of a planned pregnancy -_- and it was crazy, then I found out I was positively pregnant and got on the ball. My A1C was 8.2 when I found out I was pregnant, then came down to a 7.2 and is now a 6.0!
I told my parents and husband as soon as I found out, just because in case something would happen and end up in the hospital and such. Just so they could watch out for me. Then I didn’t tell me sister until I was 10 weeks along and of course when you tell baby sister she tells the whole town. By now, a lot of people know I am pregnant and I am not too worried about it. Although I will admit that there is a thought in the back of my head, you know, being diabetic we are higher risk. But I don’t let it get the best of me. Feeling little girl move more and more everyday so I am happy and thankful.
Just keep and eye on your sugars and insulin dosages and talk to your endos and OB, voice your concerns and opinions. You know what is best for your body. Congratulations again, so happy for you.
++Positive Pregnancy Vibes++
P.S. I get on this site called babycenter.com and I joined a community there. Lots of support and stuff just like on here. Check it out if you want.
Hi Hollie!
Thank you so much for the encouraging response I am so so excited although very worried but very hopeful too I am currently 5 weeks I think, according to the online calculator and my sugars have been very good the last couple days with this exception of a bread incident lol I am having mild cramping and have had it pretty much before i even took a test, but no blood and I took another test today just to be sure and definately pregnant I go and see my doctor and my endo on Thursday, Thursday cant come soon enough!
Do you see a high risk ob and a regular ob? How far along are you in your pregnancy? Thanks so much for the site recomendation aslo! i will check it out! Someone else told me to check out diabeticmommy and diabeticsisters or something like that too, and I plan on it I just havent had the time recently.
Hope to talk to you soon!
I use regular sugar when I need a sweetener. My gyno told me aspartame is safer than Splenda, so if I crave a soda, I still go for the Diet Coke (aspartame) with no caffeine.
I guess every doc has different views on things, but Splenda messes with my BG levels really badly. It’s the strangest thing. I can eat a whole chocolate candy bar with no issues, but pour in a little bit of Splenda into a cup of coffee and I’m a mess for hours.