Type 1 Diabetes Prevented, Reversed By Two Cancer Drugs, UCSF Study Shows

Type 1 Diabetes Prevented, Reversed By Two Cancer Drugs, UCSF Study Shows

Any chance we’ll actually see something from this? The drugs are already approved for human use, which should speed up the process, it would now be a matter of approving these drugs for this particular use

I just saw this article online today. Interesting concept. Like you said, already approved for human use. Wouldn’t it be nice!

Yes, it would be nice, I’m just extra cynical after seeing years and years of “could someday” and “may someday” comments

Great article thanks for sharing!!!

Read my blog post on the"dreaded words, “In Mice”: http://diabetesupdate.blogspot.com/2008/10/dreaded-words-in-mice.html

It’s worth reading it all, but in brief rodents are very different from people, these mouse “models” of diabetes are not biologically the same as people with diabetes, and you can’t ask the mouse whether his tummy hurts or if he is having trouble remembering where he put his car keys.

Very, very little mouse research turns into human cures. When we had an invasion of mice in our attic a few years ago all I could think was that if they had diabetes, they were SO in luck. More than we are.

I agree, Jenny. To me, I guess the main point of this story would be that Human Clinical Trials are an actual possibility, so side effects can be discovered. They have already applied for funding for these trials.

Looking back, how many of these “could someday” discoveries actually got to a Human Trial? Of course, it still has to happen…

Now where did I put my keys? lol /wink

I have a friend who takes Gleevec for leukemia. The cost to her insurance company for a month’s supply is $3000…

I don’t want to rebirth as a mouse…

Most of their “health condition” are forced, so I cannot believe immediately in the research results.

You only take it for 6 to 8 weeks though.

Some of us have heard other cure possibilities, and like you, are cynical. But even I want to dream for once… I’ve never allowed myself to, but I just want to relish in the idea for a day. My son and I both are type I (I dx’d at 15, he at 3). Just let me dream. I’ll wake myself up. :slight_smile:

that’s not much more than the cost of supplies for me just as a diabetic, between insulin pump infusion sets, reservoirs, sensors, transmitters, insulin, test strips

One other thing to remember - when it comes to cancer drugs, in at least some cases - and I admit I don’t know these two drugs - a drug whose safety profile would be completely unacceptable for more healthy people will be approved for cancer patients - even if 50% of the people taking the drug die, that might be better than the survival rate without the drug!

So besides the “in mice” issue, you’d have to take a long, close look at the safety issues with the drugs.

For imatinib: (from Wikipedia) - In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration has approved imatinib as first-line treatment for CML.[1] Imatinib has passed through Phase III trials for CML, and has been shown to be more effective than the previous standard treatment of α-interferon and cytarabine. Although the long-term side effects of imatinib have not yet been ascertained, research suggests that it is generally very well tolerated (eg. liver toxicity was much less than predicted). Broadly, side effects such as edema, nausea, rash and musculoskeletal pain are common but mild.

Severe congestive cardiac failure is an uncommon but recognised side effect of imatinib and mice treated with large doses of imatinib show toxic damage to their myocardium

(It also costs $32k/year . . . . ain’t no way insurance companies will spring for that)

Sunitinib: An oral agent, sunitinib has been generally well tolerated. Adverse events were considered manageable and the incidence of serious adverse events low. [3] [6]

The most common adverse events associated with sunitinib therapy are fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, anorexia, hypertension, and skin discoloration. In the placebo-controlled Phase III GIST study, adverse events which occurred more often with sunitinib than placebo included diarrhea, anorexia, skin discoloration, mucositis/stomatitis, asthenia, altered taste, and constipation. [2] [6]

Serious (grade 3 or 4) adverse events occur in ≤10% of patients and include hypertension, fatigue, asthenia, diarrhea, and hand-foot syndrome. Lab abnormalities associated with sunitinib therapy include lipase, amylase, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and platelets. Hypothyroidism has also been associated with sunitinib. [2]

Most adverse events can be managed through supportive care, dose interruption, or dose reduction.

Of course, the $64k question is STILL going to be beta cell regeneration. Even if a 7 week course knocks out the autoimmune response, the question for those of us whose beta cells are on permanent vacation is how to get that function back.

The studies I’d like to see are all the honeymoon drugs (Tolerx, Macrogenics, Diamyd, etc.) + some form of beta cell regeneration factor like INGAP. Of course, everything involved would need to get through all phases of testing, so good luck on that coming through any time soon!

furthermore: the test seemed to reveal that the drugs are able to “stop” the destruction of beta cells. I didn’t read anything about cell reproduction or regeneration.

Hi to all of you.

I have on my hands 30 pills of imatinib 400mg. For which i will take 200mg once a day for the next 8 weeks. I got this pills by the help of my mom outside de USA and yes are original meds from a regular city pharmacy. they cost me 2300 dollars :( for a box of 30. So this is my third day and i am having some of the common side effects from the meds.

I really don't have much money to blow in things like this, i am just speeding the process up for all of you!

wish me good luck ! since all other stuff i tried all failed, since it failed i had no motivation to talk about to any one
-victoza: failed for me; too many horrible side effects for a 10-20% lower blood sugar highs.
-BCG: got a bunch of vials from a distributor to clinics (I had to get this also outside the USA) Legit meds. I took 18 injections all over my body, under the skin, under the muscle and in the end after desperation and tears and another failure i took them intravenous (if done correctly this is the only way not to leave a mark on your skin, however the sideefects consecuense are EXTREMELY high!! 5-6 days insane FEVER) and yes i did start out on low vacine dose and up taking all vial as a dose. You can only use one vial for one day.. so i had to pusrchase many vials Puagh more money gone.

bla bla bla

lets see how this one goes..

Wish me good luck !!!! and give me a hug if u ever get a chance to meet me. lalalal

Don't do this. This is really, really, really a bad idea. The study was about mice. You are not a mouse. And all kinds of different things have been found to "cure" diabetes in mice, but they have yet to find anything that works on humans. And just in case, let me remind you, you are not a mouse.

And look at your experience with BCG. At least with that, we have experience in humans and still you had adverse effects. The effect of imatinib on humans is not understood. The adverse effects could be serious, permanent and even fatal. At the very least, you should go to your doctor and tell him what you are going to do. He will try to stop you, but at least then if you end up in the ER, someone will know what you have done and may be able to save you.

I'm not keen on taking any cancer drugs. They can be deadly to more than just disease. There's other research as well, not sure if they'll ever find the cure, which was "just around in the corner" when I was diagnosed in 1963.

However, I do find Dr. Faustman's work interesting:


I strongly agree with Brian. Don't do this. These drugs will not cure you for sure. What a crazy idea to take cancer meds on your own just because of some studies with mice!