Type 1 heredity?

As for Type 2’s, there is a very strong genetic component, but also some kind of trigger that activates the diabetes. They have identified at least 13 genes associated with Type 2 (and there are probably a lot more). And who knows what the pollutants and toxins we are exposed to are doing in our bodies – when a Type 2 succeeds in losing weight, it just releases more (probably) harmful chemicals into the body.

Type 2 genes do NOT lead to Type 1, because as others have said, they are really 2 different diseases, although they overlap in many areas, such as auto-immunity, and insulin resistance. But there nothing about having Type 1 that will protect you from developing metabolic syndrome, and the insulin resistance characteristic of Type 2. So you can actually have both at once. I personally know one person who does.

This is such a complicated subject, and the scientists themselves know so little about it, why should we think we know any better???

Dr McCulloch (my new doctor) explains this very clearly in his book “The Diabetes Answer Book” which I am reading right now.

Basically, there are two stages to getting an auto-immune disease like Type 1 diabetes (or any other auto-immune disease):

  1. One or more genes that put you at risk; and

  2. One or more triggering events that set off you immune system.

People can inherit both genes that put them at risk, and genes that are protective.

If a child inherits more at risk genes and less protective genes AND they experience one or more triggering events (e.g. viral infections, bacterial infections, etc.) then they can develop Type 1 diabetes even if neither parent knows of any Type 1 diabetes in the family.

They might not know about it if their parents and grandparents were carriers but not actively Type 1.

There are three genes involved (that we know of) in Type 1 – two at risk and one protective. Depending on the combination of these genes inherited from both side of the child’s family, the risk of developing Type 1 ranges from one-in-1500 to one-in-four.

As we go back each generation, the number of ancestors contributing genes goes up quickly:

2 parents
4 grandparents
8 great-grandparents
16 great-great-grandparents

Throw in a milkman (eek) or closed/secret adoption (more common in days gone by) and it’s easy to quickly lose track of the medical-genetic history of any particular person.

Well, we do know that there is a genetic component.

However, the genes have to be triggered.

I think the cow’s milk theory is suspect, as there have been many cases of breast-fed-only infants developing T2 before being exposed to any cow’s milk.

It’s probably a series of insults to the immune system (viruses, bacterial infections, stress) triggering the susceptible genes.

That’s the most-likely theory on cancer, too: genetic predisposition and multiple insults to the weak genes.

You know, we are all taught that genetics “determines” things. But over the last century, we have really had to revise that view. Genetics certainly is involved, but there is always a complex interplay of genetics and dynamic development. Even for the most basic examples we are taught in school. Did you know it is possible for two blue eyed parents to have a brown eyed child? Look it up.

We know that there are many genes involved with diabetes of all kinds, but genes have to be activated or expressed and that is where it gets complicated. There is just not strong evidence that genes have a dominant role in determining whether your kids get T1 or T2. Even for MODY which is monogenic and autosomal dominant, I don’t think it is clear at all whether having the gene would predict with any accuracy how MODY would manifest.

While the friends granddaughter may have had her diabetes onset influenced by genetics, the role of her environment, how she was nurtured and grew likely had just as important a role in her diabetes.

Well, it depends.

Studies of identical twins show that when one identical twin develops T1, less than half of their twins will also develop T1, so something is going on there in addition to genes (or they’d both always get it).

On the other hand, the random rate of T1 in children and adolescents in the U.S. is about 1:400, so a rate of almost 50% or 1:2 in identical twins is a powerful indicator of genetically-based risk.

We’re still finding new genes that either raise the risk of T1 or protect against T1 – and new research is focusing in on the triggers that cause a genetic predisposition to be expressed in full-blown auto-immune diseases of all kinds, including T1.

I think the time we are in right now – with all the new genetic research unfolding every day – is quite fascinating and hopeful for future cures or, better yet, prevention. Wouldn’t it be great if we could give a simple test to infants and prevent T1 from ever developing by repairing their genes?

In contrast, the concordance rate in identical twins with Type 2 is 80% - 90%. VERY strongly genetic, in spite of all the misinformation telling you that if you just exercise and eat less, you should be able to prevent it.

There is much to be learned about the genetics of both types!

I have seen this statistic in many places as well but some people put a different spin on it. They say that the concordance in T2 in identical twins is due to the same poor diet and lack of exercise since everyone in the family has the same kind of lifestyle so they ‘bring it on themselves’. However on the same webpage where I saw that, it was also alleged that Type 2 is caused by eating too much fat and not enough carbohydrate!!!

I have just gone back to look for this page and realized with shock that it is on the ADA site .

Just talked to grandma herself not a mutual friend who knows nothing about diabetes so , in her defense, she didn’t know what she was saying. :slight_smile: The dr said if there is T1 on both side then ita genetic. They know on the fathers side a T1 but not from the moms side which is my friends and her hubbies family. So it has nothing to do with T2. Which there is on their side. Thanks for all the info. You guys are so great!

Oh and found out she had a virus and never recovered just kept going downhill.

I just can’t understand this mentality Lila! Weird huh! A disease that reacts violently to carbs but they say eat more! Sheesh!!!

They sure love to blame us, don’t they Lila?

And not in an objective, scientific way, either.

They’re just whistling in the dark – scared they’ll get it so they blame us for causing it with our gluttony and laziness – like we’re somehow morally inferior.

Of course, these blamers get very quiet when you point out the millions upon millions of obese, sedentary people (who look and act just like me) who NEVER get T2.

I’m somehow willfully self-destructive and “deserving” of T2 and they’re…not?

It kinda blows them off of their moral high horse.

We have lots of auto-immune disease in my family, but so far, no T1’s, just three T2’s (and counting):

Crohn’s (1), rheumatoid arthritis (2), Hashiomoto’s thryroiditis (3), uveitis (1) … there’s something there with the auto-immune genes.

Go figure.

Maybe that explains my arthritis! It’s autoimmune

I have severe RA. Some Members on both sides of my Family have/had only the severe Type. None of the other Members have/had Diabetes(the Ones that I know of). I saw signs that my younger Brother(Type 1) had it but he died before he could make the decision to get dxd.

Wow! It, the inflammation, has sure wrecked havoc in tpyour family! I’m sorry about your brother.

I had chickenpox and mumps in the spring/early summer of 1945, when I was 5. I started having all the classic symptoms of diabetes that summer. My diagnosis was in mid September, a few days after my 6’th birthday. We finally found a doctor who recognized my symptoms, the first three did not have a clue.There is no type 1 diabetes among my relatives, but several relatives on my mother’s side have type 2.

There is nothing I have ever seen in my extensive research that indicates that having type 2 relatives can increase your chances of having type 1. I am amazed that a doctor thinks otherwise. I assume he is a GP, and not an endo. lol!

Read my second post about it. My friend who knows nothing about diabetes, related it to me from my friend who is the grandmother. The grandmother told me way different than the intermediay did! It was a virus. But didn’t take her long to show symptoms. Glad you are around Richard! You give me hope!

What Type do you have?

Ya, I didn’t know that RA was an auto-immune disease. I didn’t know that severe RA could end my Life …until many years later. I didn’t know it could be passed down to Children. I didn’t have a computer way back then. Actually, on most sites I’ve seen, it makes severe RA sound like a mild headache. Take a pill. NOT! They should tell People this stuff from the beginning. Please scare me! It might save my Life the next time I get a disease. Also my Cousin was dxd. with Juvenile RA when he was about 10 yrs. old. We were just Kids, so no one explained it to us. Then they moved away.

Sorry Knorris, that non-information still p**s me off. Thank you for the comment on my younger Briother.

I know a family where the father had RA, and the uncle had Type 1, and one of the children has RA, and another has Type 1. They must be closely related. Unfortunately! The funny thing about autoimmunity is that just carrying the genes doesn’t determine where it’s going to hit you (if at all!). No one on either side of my family has had any indication of autoimmunity at all, but I have (or had; I’ve had a thyroidectomy) documented Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, and I have 2 different CDEs in 2 different states telling me that my diabetes ACTS like Type 1, even though it’s never been confirmed. My doc has me down as Type 1, also, but I prefer my Type Weird, LOL!

Type 1 and Type 2 are not related, but having Type 1 does not protect you from metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance later in life, so it IS possible to have “double diabetes”. I also know one person with Type 2 who had bariatric surgery, and then lost too much weight, and they did an antibody test on her, and she was positive. And bariatric surgery can’t be undone. I sure wouldn’t trade places with her!

Now that is harsh! Nothing like adding insult to injury! Have heard of the double whammy but didn’t know anyone! Now I’m worried about my friend who is diabetic and looking at baraitic surgery. My friend was also told a person needs to have enough carbs or they will go into ketoacidosis. True?