This might get moved to an old thread…
I’m 37, type 2 for 7 years, and is 9 weeks pregnant. I didn’t take a test till 30 days after my missed period because I was on levothyroxine and was told that it may stop your period by friends of mine who have under active thyroid. When I found out I was actually pregnant, I got really sad because now the doctors are going to tell me all the horrible things that can/or will happen for being a t2 mother and being 37 with my first child. I am on insulin now. For a year I was on victoza to help me lose weight (which I did) and get off of insulin. But I’m back on it now. All the literature that the nurses gave me includes a diet plan because I am diabetic. I just find it really restrictive. 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 6 crackers, etc, I’m still starving!!! I can’t have too much cheese because I also have high triglycerides but they tell me to have more cheese. I drink tons of water but my stomach can’t handle anymore liquid. At my conformation appointment, the nurse looked at me really grim and said “Since you are high risk you are prone to miscarriage” and went off on all the things that can/or will happen if I don’t get my sugars under control. (They are btw. I just started insulin 5 days ago) The diabetes program that I didn’t ask to be in are asking for numbers that can’t be above 120. Last I checked, hormones can mess up everything and more insulin is needed. More insulin, more hungry. Especially if you’re pregnant. I am very frustrated. I would have felt better if the nurse just told me to abort because I am too high risk.
End of rant. Would appreciate if other type 2’s could chime in.