Type two and vision issues

Hi guys how long after getting your sugar under control did your vision level out. Also how much better did your eyes get I mean how did your percription change. My partner has been level for 20 days now and we had already gotten new glassed twice and can’t really afford an other pair. But he’s eyes are blurry most the time please help?

I got an eye check shortly after getting new glasses. My vision had changed. My ophthalmologist suggested I go back (to Costco) and see if they would redo the prescription for free. They did. Apparently this is somewhat routine in the industry. It can’t hurt to ask.

I can’t remember exactly after all these years, but it wasn’t a very long time. Days or weeks, no more.

Not sure how much it might help but if it’s the glasses themselves that are difficult to afford but you can get an updated rx if needed---- I just got a couple pairs from zenni optical on the Internet and was just extremely pleased with their program. Downside is, of course, you don’t get to try them on before you buy— but if u get one that doesn’t fit well you’d have a good baseline to order different sized frames from then on…

Worked out well for me, paid less than $25 for two pairs of seemingly quality prescription glasses delivered to my mail.

My eyes changed immediately after getting my BG under control, but my ophthalmologist insisted that I not make any changes to my glasses until two full months had passed. As it turned out, in my case, the magnification did not need to be changed, but the correction for astigmatism needed to be removed. My eyes have stayed stable since that point.

Has your husband been seen by an Ophthalmologist. Type 2 diabetics are just as susceptible to vision damage as a T1. Some of these problems will not go away when BG is controlled without intervention.

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Dr. Randy Wong, an opthalmologist, retina specialist, and TuD member, recommends that everyone who has been diabetic for more than a few years have a fluorescin angiogram done, both to check for incipient signs of retinopathy and to provide a baseline for future comparison as years go by. IMHOP it’s a good insurance policy. Most standard opthalmologists do not perform this test; it’s normally done by a retina specialist.

Emily Coles interviewed Randy a few years back, not sure whether the interview is still available in the archive or not.

it was a good interview

and I remember @mrmikelawson doing it, and having a hard time pronouncing “fluorescin angiogram” :grinning:

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