Well, I WAS covered under the medicaid side right up until Feb 1st of this year, now all bets are off as I have been notified that my coverage never should have been allowed and they are hinting that they may go back and deny previously paid items etc... meaning I may end up owing the government some 30k in coverages since last October.
Medicare has already told me that I will NOT have coverage no matter how I gain it through the feds. I am physically disabled now, was already covered by state medicaid, but since I asked questions about it all, both are now denying me coverage for the omni-pod. Of course no one will offer any sort of help with the issue, and my state is rapidly changing what is allowed and what is not etc. The new American Health Care Act (or Obahma care as named by the media) is also refusing to cover things, even AFTER you meet the $6 thousand out of pocket deductibles.
Worked over 40 years, paid taxes I didn't owe since I was 10. They only took the Social Security taxes, but even that was not legally theirs, I just didn't know it back then and paid into the system anyway. Now, comes time to collect and you get a 2 year ineligibility waiting period, and denial of coverage for life saving requirements... The only answer I get is "sorry, that is the way it is..." when I asked what I was supposed to do to survive for that 2 year waiting period, they told me they had no idea but there was nothing they could or would do to help me out. So, I borrowed money from friends and family and had just under 1k in the bank, and of course, that was too much so again I had to wait an additional 6 months to prove that I was completely broke (and hopefully dead) before I could re-apply.
Finally get the coverage, use it for a year, got the pod, insulin etc, year runs out, auto-renewal comes along, fill out the paper work, it gets approved, moved into a new county so that I could afford to live and the new county re-ran all the numbers without taking into account all the expenses I had already paid out to them and denies me again.... another year to wait with them, while obahma care (which doesn't) refuses to cover basic life sustaining medication.
Makes me truly wonder why anyone would wish to move to America. Health care, is better every where else from what folks are telling me from various countries. Of course, I would not be able to move there to attain that coverage.
Ugghh... I sure wish I could find someone to give me work that I can do from a desk, preferably my own home desk, but even at their facility if necessary... everything seems to have a requirement to be able to move 50lbs, which I can't do on crutches, and I can't get coverage for a prosthetic at all....