Back in October I was a new member of this site and only posted a few times. I've been in the back round reading other people's posts. My life situation has changed a lot since last posting so I'm back. Staring over on this site. Here are some updates and some feelings that I just need to let out to people that I know understand. This post will probably be a long one. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read/reply.
- Due to cost I had not used my insulin pump in 10 months. I was injecting my insulin but not at all the way I needed to. The bottom line for me and my health: I need to use my pump! As of 1 month ago, I'm back pumping.
- There were some positive changes to my insurance coverage that allows me more affordability with my pump supplies. Things are still very tight but I'm realizing that I have to do whatever it takes to ensure my well being. I'm still trying to figure out financial stuff so that is a challenge for me. While I'm using my pump, I'm not using it to it's full capacity. I am only running it for my basal. I am injecting for my meal boluses. This allows me to use less pump supplies. Because I use so much insulin daily, I would be changing out infusion sets and reservoirs so often. While the supplies are cheaper than they were I need to get some finances in order.This is something I am working to elevate.
- I have an appointment for some blood work at my family doctor since I haven't had anything done in so long (and they are requesting I have this done). At that point, I will get my referral to an endocrinologist. I've heard such wonderful things about the endo doctor I will see and I can't wait to get in there to see her. I want to talk to the endo about everything. Specifically, I would like to talk about my insulin resistance and get a C-Peptide and Antibody Panel drawn. I need some true answers about my condition. I am embarrassed to say that I have never been to an endo even though I have diabetes and hypothyroidism. All of that has always been "managed" by my family doctor. After all of this time I see that I should have always been seeing an endo. This was never suggest to me before. I feel like I've been mislead and told a lot of info that was really doctors "guessing" about my diagnosis. Now that I have the knowledge I am advocating for myself, doing research,and asking questions (to the RIGHT people).
- I also have an appointment to need with a certified dietitian who specializes in diabetic diet, control, and weight loss. I would like to lose 20 pounds. I also need some low cost options for foods that I can prepare at home.
- Over all I feel ashamed that I've allowed things to get out of control and stay that way for so long. It's a blessing that I'm even still here- not in a coma, hospital or dead. I'm embarrassed that I never took charge of my own health. This is so unlike me and I don't know why I've dealt this my diagnosis the way I have. I suppose it's easy not to deal with something you ignore or don't take too seriously. I feel like I am in a much better place now. I've made the steps to get things under control and I am READY to get things under control. I am finally willing to do what it takes- what I should have been doing all along.