Ups and downs with diabetes

Today marks the 6th anniversary of my diagnosis of diabetes. (I know that in comparison to many of our members, I’m still a newbie. Still…) For some unknown reason, I really like to mark my D-anniversary in some way, but I never quite know how such a day should be marked. So I figured I would at least write a blog post reflecting on my six years with diabetes.

Somehow on my D-anniversary, I always think most about my diagnosis, but I already wrote about that here. So instead, I decided to spend some time today thinking about the every day life with diabetes. I can tell you one thing, it is filled with ups and downs.

Here is a (somewhat) random list of ups and downs in my life with diabetes.

UP: They started giving me insulin after my diagnosis. That felt really great. I felt alive again for the first time in months.

DOWN: I got home from the hospital and for the first time I had to calculate my insulin units on my own. I looked at the needle filled with insulin and became terrified. I thought that if I miscalculated I could kill myself. I knew if I didn’t take it, I would die. All of a sudden I both loved and hated this clear fluid that is my life line. For the next months, I felt some degree of fear at each injection.

UP: I had an emotional breakdown the day after getting home from the hospital, which involved me screaming “I NEED TO KNOW THAT I CAN LIVE A NORMAL LIFE. I NEED SOMEONE TO CALL ME AND TELL ME THAT I CAN LIVE, TRAVEL, AND DREAM WITH TYPE 1 DIABETES.” The next morning the phone rang. At the other end was the voice of a woman that has type 1 diabetes. She told me that I can live a normal life. She told me what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it.

DOWN: I stopped caring and I lost motivation in the stress of college.

UP: I had three pre-med roommates who thought that living with someone with type 1 diabetes was a cool experiment. We learned a lot together.

DOWN: I lost motivation and decided that I didn’t care.

UP: I had people who cared about me enough to tell me that it mattered to them that I took care of myself. They told me that if my child had type 1 diabetes, I would take better care of the child than I do of myself. They were right.

DOWN: I lost motivation and decided that I didn’t care.

UP: I found my partner for life, who is also my partner in diabetes. He learned quickly and became a type 3 diabetic.

DOWN: I lost motivation and decided that I didn’t care.

UP: I found TuDiabetes and knew that I was not alone.

I find it very easy to lose motivation in diabetes management. But somehow, eventually, someone was always there for me to help me find it again. For that I am so grateful! So, in all the ups and downs of diabetes, I find comfort in knowing that I am not alone. Neither are you!

thanks for your post! i’m with you on the ups and downs, as i’m sure most members are! congrats on making it through the first 6 years and here’s to many more =)

Great blog Kristin. I’ve been a diabetic for about 2 and a half years and just had my first year pump anniversary like a week ago. There has definately been some ups and downs for me too or else there will be.

Great post, Kristin… Happy Diabeversary! (don’t ask I just made that up)

Up. Down. Yep. About sums it up!!

Hi Kristin: Great blog! I celebrate my diabeversary every year. I celebrate because I am alive and doing well, and life is good. Melitta

Hey hun, here’s to many more diabeversaries, and more ups than downs if you see what I mean x x x

Great post! Happy Diabeversary (as Scott puts it). Now go eat something that you never thought you would ever get to have again when you got diagnosed. Bolus and then pat yourself on the back for all the good you do in the community. I am thankful you are here with us :slight_smile:

Hello Kristin, Your encouragement and dedication to post is much appreciated. I am new here, but you were the first person to send me an email to make me feel welcomed, so here is some encouragment for you on your day. We are all cheering for you! Sing, dance and have a frozen yogurt today and celebrate your wellness. God has blessed you and will continue to bless you. Stay positive. Many blessings being sent your way. Cheers!

Love your blog–so honest, so true, from the heart.


For every year of your diabetes, you’ve gained at least 7 years of wisdom (kinda like dog years but with more needles and glucose tabs, less drool), which you so generously and thoughtfully share. Happy Dversary and many more …

Hi Kristen ,( me ) living with diabetes going on 27 years …the MONTH I celebrate is when I went on the pump , August 2001 and ofcourse my real BD , July 25 , 1940 …a war baby …lets keep on celebrating LIFE with the UPS and the DOWNS …all of us , one day at the time …by the way these graphs are too real .Be motivated :wink:

OMG! You almost brought tears to my eye’s! Happy Diaeversary. We have all had bad days…lucky the good out weighs the bad.

LOL, love that Kelly…

so do we need a D-years designation? I’m not sure I’ve gotten 280 years of wisdom… maybe split it up with some years of no tolerance for medical community BS, media BS, bad attitude in general…

Many happy returns with best of health and happiness

My good friend, I’m toasting one for you. I look forward to seeing your next anniversary blog, your friend always…Patti

Great post! I guess I’m a Type 3, too ;-))

Congrats on the successful 6 years, I’m just glad we made it to 3 months! (I keep telling us: baby steps…)
We’re going away for the weekend in 2 weeks - big experiment to see if life can be normal. It’s nice to read that it can be!

Great post , Kristin. Your comments, blogs and posts and always kind,informative, educational ,and honest. It is so wonderful that you have been able to take care of yourself AND be “beacon of light” to others in the diabetic community.

God Bless, sis

Kristin, I’ve seen you around this site alot. I’ve noticed that you are always there for people and are very supportive. I know you’ve commented on some of my blogs and it’s always been very encouraging. Celebrate today! You’re a great person!

Great post Kristin. It’s funny, but since discovering Tudiabetes this Spring - I never really thought much about my diabetes. I just had it - and I dealt with it - didn’t know many others that had it. Now, with reading other stories like yours and others - with how you deal with diabetes - it makes me realise what we all go thru’ - with the ups/downs. I’ve never put how I feel with diabetes into words - but it probably would be much like you have here if I really sat down and put it down in writing. You speak for many of us out there! Now, maybe I’ll celebrate my Dday next month - hmmm - can we put candles on a chocolate cake for that ??? If we do, my cake will be huge - it’ll have to hold 43 candles - so maybe I’ll have to send you all a virtual slice .

I’m SO glad you found TuD! You are so positive and such a strong motivator for so many. Ups and Downs happen, whether you’re diabetic or not. Happy D-versary. Mine was May 21 (37 years!!!) It’s fun to celebrate!