Ups and downs

Life seems to have a lot of ups and downs lately, especially my blood sugars. My 25th anniversary with Type 1 Diabetes was in the end of March. I have been thinking for a while how I feel about that… I am grateful that I have very minor complications at this point, but I am still perplexed by this disease though. You eat right, exercise, try to keep a positive outlook etc., but the darn blood sugars do not fall into line and I find that all so frustrating. My averages have gone up due to all the fluctuation, so getting back to an A1C of 7 is still off in the future.
I do think about all the changes that have occurred in the tools we have available to control blood sugars. Meters that were the size of checkbooks now are so much smaller. I used tube cake icing until glucose tablets for treating lows. Needles on syringes are so tiny now compared to 25 years ago. And of course there is the insulin pump. I was afraid of it when I first thought about it 15 years ago, but now I have been using one for 14 years and can not imagine life with out it. The CGMS. It may have its imperfections, but it is a wonderful tool especially for myself since I have hypo unawareness. (except, I do wish the alarms were louder since I will sleep through them at times) There are many other changes, but these come to mind first for me.
Of course we are all still waiting for the elusive cure that “has been around the corner” for many years. I keep hoping and will never give up on that dream. As much as I dislike this disease called Diabetes I remind myself daily that there are many people in this world that have it much worse.
Well, I wrote this short little note to remind myself that although I have many ups and downs in life and with my diabetes that regardless of how frustrated and mad I get at myself and this disease that I will keep giving my best to achieve better control and accept those times that I will not have control.

Great Blog. I too will never give up. I have Hope. You have come a long way Baby!! 25 yrs…wow. xo

Thank you for your inspiring message!

Kat D, thank you…I never thought of my words as inspiring. All the best to you during the diabetes journey!

Thanks Robyn! You too have great strength. I admire that in you! Love ya!

Great outlook Amy and this is the second blog I have read today that has reminded me of the ‘old days’ :slight_smile:

Keep striving for better results and better yet, find an outlet to vent for those days it just doesn’t come together!

Thanks Ant97gtr. Reminding myself of all the improvements in Diabetes care since “the old days” always helps me put things into perspective. Especially when I think about the fact that insulin has not been around all that long. Plus, it reminds me of all I have learned over the years. I still remember being diagnosed like it was yesterday. Practicing giving insulin shots in the hospital on an orange before doing it to myself and yelling at a nurse that “I am not an orange” I hate to think back on what I put that nurse through!

Awesome blog, Amy. You are a champion! Yes, it is one tough disease, but we do need to remember how much things have improved over the years, and that life is still here to live to the fullest. Of course, we’ll have some bad days and down days, but we have much to celebrate. Congrats on 25!

Twenty-five years is a note-worthy milestone. Congratulations!

Thanks Melitta and Trudy. It is amazing how quickly the time goes…to fast! Melitta, you are a champion too! And Trudy you are an inspiration also! So many wonderful people who are always so supportive. Thank you to each and every one of you!!!

I do that many times here to remind myself that it wasn’t like this 37 years ago. We must look at the way the d is treated now compared to years ago. Hey we’re stronger for putting all those years right?

Very nice message Amy…