Very sore spots after removing Pods

This is a problem I have started having recently, and I am unsure what to think of it. After months of no problems, I am now frequently finding that a rather sore and inflamed spot is occuring at the cannula site after removing a pod. Usually there is a hard bump at the site, sometimes larger, sometimes smaller, with a large red area. Quite tender to the touch for awhile. Could it be that my PDM is somehow not sending the right message to deactivate the pod? It seems like the cannula might not be coming out right. Or am I developing too much scar tissue to do this there anymore? These are sites on my abdomen, which is pretty much my go-to site so far. Anyone else familiar with this?

and by “awhile” I mean days.

I notice my son has red bumps like this when taking off his pod. Once we had a true site infection. I think it’s just inflammation and irritation after three days of the catheter being there. I make sure we rotate through all his sites before using the same area again and then try to not use the exact same spot. We use arms, legs and the top of his butt. Sometime they are worse that others. I usually just clean that spot and add a little antibiotic ointment. I’ve notice that the little spot where the adhesive attaches to the pod, comes loose and then will rub my son’s skin and cause breakdown. I use a small piece of foam tape under the pod to help cushion that.

Very frequently, and they only last about an hour or so, ritght after pod removal. This has been the case for a few years, I have been a podster for five years, never happened at first, started a few years ago, I never did anything about it. They are a bit annoying, but what about this wretched disease isnt?

My oldest daughter has this problem sporadically. I think it happens when I don’t get all of the insulin swabbed out after the pod is primed and her skin gets irritated in addition to forming the hard bump where the cannula was. It takes almost a day for hers to go away. It has happened at least once on all of the rotation sites (arm, back, belly, leg).

Ugh I’m having this same issue…and not just with my pods…it’s even WORSE with the Dex sensor! SO SORE!