Just stop…
Some are showing no restraint at all.
He has zero to do with it. Do your research. Please.
He tried to kill the ACA last time and if it was not for McCain changing his mind at the last minute he would have succeeded. He has more than enough votes now in both the House and the Senate.
I lived for 10 years with no coverage at all because I could not get it at any price. I had to buy the Walmart insulin, Could not afford test strips or doctor visits, had many lows and passed out many times. Yea, I’m really looking forward to going back to that.
Judith in Portland: Where did you acquire the information that Healthcare would be severely limited? I would like to look at the site/documentation.
Look at everything they tried regarding healthcare since Goldwater said Medicare would destroy the country.
This is an interesting article on the possible future of the ACA, bearing in mind the words of Yogi Berra that “it’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”
I agree, there is plenty of speculation and fear mongering coming from all sides of the issue. I think the real problem is that the ACA was packed full of so many different pieces of the health insurance puzzle. Any politician who wants to change one piece of it gets bombarded in advance starts a whole new round of complaints and fear mongering.
For example, does anybody remember when the ACA was going to outlaw “cadillac plans”? Well that provision was quietly removed years ago. I bet everybody with decent employer provided insurance today has what the original ACA would have called a Cadillac and would have prohibited. But there is nobody complaining about that change in the ACA.
My point is: Any law the WA DC crowd touches can be changed (and eventually will be) and speculating ahead of time is pointless.
Hi folks. Pretty good range of opinions aired here but it has started crossing into rancorous territory. I think this is probably good place to hit Pause on it.