Hello All
I have been experiencing Weak signal for over a month now
After contacting MM, I was told that I needed a new Transmitter, and that mine was out of warranty anyway,so we’'l put in for it and get you a new one.
I asked if it was possible that the box of sensors I had just opened could be bad, because each one
had given me at least 2 Weak signals each some times 3
No I was told, more likely the transmitter
The transmitter arrived and I set it up with a new Sensor from my current lot
That very night, late evening, I got a Weak signal.
On the phone to MM again
I explained the issue again, was told that they would be sending me two new sensors to try.
Would I be willing to try them?
I told the Rep yes,and was told to call back when I was on my last day of the second sensor
I was also asked if I used Carelink for Uploading my readings from my pump, I said yes.
Ok I’m game if they are
First sensor from MM, I got a Weak signal in the morning about 2 am, at the same time my Revel alarmed for a low battery. Coincidence? Will probably never know
Got one more on the second sensor, can’t figure that one out
Time to call MiniMed again
I did and was on the phone for almost 40 minutes going over my reports from Carelink with a Rep
You never get the same one twice…
During that time I was asked about Laptops, Cellphones and etc that might interfere with
the CGM.
The distance between the pump and Transmitter, are they both on the same side??
Had I entered the new Transmitted ID correctly into my pump? , uh it does not work unless you do…sarcasm used to help, but not in this case.
She went back three weeks which was when I first called in about Weak Signal problems
As she went thru my reports she said that there was a pattern of Weak Signals, late at night any where
from 10 pm on
Some of her statements just do not make sense to me.
She felt that my Weak Signals could be caused by rolling over on the Sensor/Transmitter at night
to not being active enough.
How active are you when sleeping??? Yes I know sarcasm no longer works…
When I pointed out that the first or second call into support resulted in Minimed putting in for a new
Transmitter because of the Weak Signals problem, she dodged it artfully
Never mind the fact that they pushed a new Transmitter on me and my Insurance, never mind the fact I am still getting Weak signals with the same lot of Sensors either.
Ok now is anyone here in CGM land having any Weak Signals and if so, what has MM told you?