What a Week. I'm Glad it's over

Started the week on a good note. I went to the Endo and my A1c is now 6.9, down from 7.5 since starting on pump in Nov. Tuesday I was up to 1 am entering new medical and dental deductions online and didn’t finish until Wed. morning. I have to get the payroll out for the corporation and all this data entry needed to be done before I could run my payroll and transmit to the payroll service. Good new was out of over 600 entries I only made six mistakes that can be fixed. Then of course it’s W-2 time too. It’s been a long work week and has taken a toll on my bs some times. A rollercoaster, up and down. I have been sick since Christmas with bronchitis and that turned into a cold last week until this week. I am finally getting over that. Another reason for my diabetic woes. Well now it’s Friday and I am recording a movie on my new television and then going to bed.