Went for my Quarterly Endo Appointment Today

Well, I been trying to lose weight and get my bs down into my target range, so today the doctor actually gave me some good news for once. He said your target A1c was 7.0 and I am at 6.9 today. I had hoped it would be lower but that equates to an average blood sugar reading in the 150-152 range. So I guess I should be happy and I am. I am going to Miami this Sunday for 4 days on company business. I have to attend a conference at the Fountainbleau Hotel. They provide the breakfasts and lunch and I am on my on for dinners but who cares my company is paying the bill. I also let them know I was diabetic so I am assuming that the Hotel will make special lunches for those that have indicated their preference. I probably won’t be the only diabetic there at the conference. One guy at a conference I attended at Foxwoods Casino last year saw that I was wearing a pump and asked me about it. He was diabetic too. Well that is enough for now. Now if I can behave the next four days I should have some more good news in October.

Good for you Richard. That must have taken much work. Keep that going and there’s a Real chance that you will bring it down to your goal. You should be Proud. :slight_smile:

I hope that the Hotel has a Nice selection for you(without sauces). Pack some Good snacks from home and a couplke bottles of water, just in case. That would be Terrific if you had a chance to talk to someone else with Diabetes. (We Are Everywhere :smiley: ) Let us know how it goes. Have a Successful trip.

That is great news! I see my endo in another week and hope I get good news too.