What can I expect from medicare?

I dread going on medicare! It's a few years off but I DREAD IT. Is there someone or somewhere we can all write to, start a petition or some sort of movement to get their rules changed!? What exactly does Medicare cover and is it the same for everyone? Will it cover my test strips of 8 - 12 per day?? Does it cover ANY pumps? (I'm on the pod so I SURE not mine) Are there any add-ons that will cover my Dexcom and sensors (considering I go to 28 with no symptoms, seems kind of important)
Sorry, I'm a little concerned. Every year things seem to get harder and coverage gets cut back farther and farther and it's getting a bit depressing.

I'm also a few years away from Medicare and it scares me to death. The rules are very confusing and there are limits on what they coverage. Then there is a Part A, Part B, Part C and Part D. Part A covers your hospital . Part B covers 80% of doctors and it is taken out of your Social Security Check. Part C is Medicare Advantage and includes your doctor, drug coverage but it is often more expensive but covers more. Part D is the Drug portion where you have to choose a private company depending on the drugs you use. All of these things have deductibles and I think copays. As far as changing the rules if anything we will get less not more because they are growing broke with all us Baby Boomers.


There is no way to predict what "medicare" will look like in a few years. To answer your question for 2012. Medicare is NOT THE SAME for everyone. There is "straight" medicare, which covers least of all, and is the default medicare in most states. The move is to assigned medicare, which differes by state, and even county or parish. Dexcom is covered on a lot of assigned medicare policies, but requires documentation. in a few years it will either be available on most policies, or not be available on any... currently CGMS and sensors are DME equiptment, but who knows when that will change also? I have 2 relatives with assigned medicare ( one a suplimental, the other am HMO, and both were covered for Dex and sensors The supplimental had no share of cost, the HMO had a max 20% or $ amount per month. I understand you concern, but it is a little like worrying aboyut you A1c "in a few years". Take it as it comes, and do the best you can now
( I keep reminding myself)

Thanks! I know, I worry alot. I think it was the change in my current coverage that kicked in in the new year that started me worrying and it seems to be happening evry new year and it's such a complicated hassle to straighten out.

Get in line for the best Medicare Supplement you can afford.