@DrBB, should she be really proactive about IV fluids with high BG in the meantime (while she is figuring this out)? I can’t imagine not having fluids with high BG. The dehydration makes nausea worse. Should she just go on in and get the IV fluids at the drop of a hat?
Hi Everyone! Thank you all so much for the sound advice! I want to let everyone know that thankfully the cyprohepdadine is working!! Yay! We have another appointment with a pediatric gastroenterologist next week as a follow up. I just hope this stays working, because as someone above said, not being able to drink well with type 1 is tortuous
Yes! If the new meds did not work, we would have been going that route, at 10, she was getting so tired of IV’s
I will be checking this out, thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!!
Yay, glad our experienced was able to nudge toward giving another try with that!
And thanks for circling back to let us know. Too often these discussions lapse when the immediate crisis is resolved and we never get to hear how it worked out.