When do you feel your highs?

My last few A1c’s have been much lower but most of the the time I feel physically and mentally unstable. It’s hard for me to function. In general I suffer with severe depression and anxiety.

Dehydration? That’s my usual excuse for gloopy blood, no matter what the actual number is. Be sure and keep yourself well hydrated, because dehydration is bad for a lot of reasons! :slight_smile:

I don’t think I feel highs at all. Because of frequent testing, I never stay high very long. I also correct as soon as I see that the # is high and it comes down by the next time I check it.

If I have plenty of insulin on board to cover the high numbers then I usually don’t feel bad, but if my IOB is not adequate to cover the spike and I’m on a rocket ship to Mars with numbers climbing to the stars then it can feel really crummy.

I’m sorry to hear that. I’d encourage you to test more frequently if circumstances permit. I myself have moderate to severe anxiety and mild depression. I find that knowing what my blood sugar is doing helps with the anxiety.

When first dx the diabetes really did not help with the depression. It gave me a great, additional reason to sit around feeling worthless, as if I did not have enough reasons already. Beating myself up for being so worthless I could not even metabolize a slice of wholegrain bread, for example.

Thanks for the tip Natalie. I will work on that angle. At the moment I am taking joy in homemade lemon soda (lemon juice, 1 packet splenda, lots of ice, sparkling water). I will go and make another one now!

I feel them above 300. I get like an angina attack. It’s like I’m pumping maple sysrup through my veins.
Just had one yesterday that sent me up to 521. Changed my pump site and it started coming back down. This morning, it was low at 66. Go figure.

I can’t say as I feel my highs much. It’s very rare for me to hit 300, so I can pretty much only talk about highs in the high 100s and the 200s, but I don’t ever think, Hmm, I feel weird, I better test the way I do when I’m low (and I’m nearly always right about that). In retrospect when I’ve had a high reading I can think I feel fatigue, but I feel that way off and on for no reason, and you know what they say about hindsight. I sorta wish I felt highs more, so I’d catch them sooner, but then I’m glad I don’t. I have a lot more highs than lows and I’m glad not to feel crummy very often.

I will usually feel a little off at around 160 although I sometimes I feel a little off at 95 which probably means that sometimes I just don’t feel good.


OMG. 521 is DANGEROUS!!! I’m so glad you were smart enough to change set, although you should also have taken insulin by syringe just to get started lowering it as fast as you can.

Glad you’re still with us!!! :slight_smile:

Really don’t feel any different untill approaching the 300 and plus range. I can test in the low 200’s and be surprised, as I feel fine, but when I come back in the 300 and plus range I’m not surprised and just say, “yep, that explains it”

I don’t get headaches. When I’m low, I feel half jittery, half paralyzed. But no sweats. headaches, moodiness or any other symptoms. When I’m high (above about 350) I get very dry, but that’s all. For sure we’re all different! :slight_smile:

It used to be, for me, that 300 was nothing I didn’t feel them. Since i got the Glucotoxicity gone I feel them at 197 to 230 I get really tired now. I just can’t feel my lows! =)

eh, probally 180s, 190s. If I have been in target all day (80-120), and I spike to 150, I feel it.

I don’t feel the highs at all, which is pretty scary. I can be over 300 or higher and not even feel a thing. The lows ones are the killers to me. And, lately I don’t feel those until it is really low…in the 50 or 40 range. The CGM system that I am using makes me pay more attention to the highs and it warns me of the lows before I get too far gone. But…they are so expensive and it takes an act of Congress to get the insurance to pay anything at all on them. I’m not sure how I can afford them much longer. There should be a better way for those with Type 1 that have huge swings with their blood sugars. It seems so unfair to have to “pay” to live a somewhat “normal” life, which the sensors do provide.

I can end up with highs in the 300’s and do not feel any different than usual. Other times I have a headache or feel the same way I would feel if my blood sugar is low. Namely I feel woosey.

Hi -

With recently diagnosed LADA and a pump you should have a decent chance of cutting those swings down by working on your basals, carb counting and ratios. Those 300s set you up for the 50s when you correct. If you can cut down on the variability you have a better chance for a somewhat normal life.


Maurie, I try to not have the 300’s, but since I over eat sometimes like yesterday, it goes up to the 300’s. I did not realize that 300’s can lead to having a 50 or lower.

None of us try to make mistakes :slight_smile: The larger your correction dose the greater chance that you’ll substantially overshoot the target. It’s like putting. If you have a 40 foot putt the chances are much higher that you’ll end up off the other side of the green than if you’re putting from 6 feet.

For me I think it’s when I’m around 150 mg/dl ( 8 mmol/l). I just feel like something isn’t right - just like when I’m going low. I have been fooled a few times tho’ - that I think I’m high - then go confirm with blood test - and find out that I’m fine - that it’s just because I’m thirsty (I’m bad a keeping up my fluid intake - bad bad bad).